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Interior design tips for marketing suites

PARTNER: 4site-Implementation

Everyone has their own sense of style. Interior design is often a very personal thing, especially when it comes to homes. However, in professional places, such as offices, hotel lobbies and marketing suites, it is a very different matter. Of course, you can favour certain elements over others but the point about interior design style in these situations is not so much about personal preferences but of achieving a desirable outcome. 

In the case of marketing suites, the outcomes which are most wanted are of achieving a professional first impression of the brand, of generating a customer story that pushes them forwards to discover more and, finally, of obtaining the opportunity, at least, of making a sale. 

In other words, the interior design of a modern marketing suite needs to function in just the same way that every other aspect of the design would. Everything about it should be in support of the central activity of the suite – to provide marketing messages that potential clients respond to positively. 

If you want to get more out of the next marketing suite you commission, then what are the aspects of design you should be paying attention to most?

Leave Space

In many situations, marketing suites are smaller than would really be desirable. There may be physical constraints on the space that you can take up. There again, the overall budget may restrict the size of the suite, too. Either way, it can be tempting to overfill your suite with graphics, signage, furniture and audio-visual displays. 

Don't be caught out like this. Marketing suites should leave room for clients to explore the space which means being able to move around physically. Of course, you will need some desks, tables and chairs, especially when you get into the nitty-gritty with clients but the initial space visitors occupy should be as open as possible and, ideally, wheelchair-friendly.

Use Bespoke Furniture

When you want to make a good impression, commissioning non-standard furniture can make all the difference. Marketing suite design businesses like 4site Implementation make their own furniture to fit in with their suites. This means being able to produce furniture that fits in perfectly with the brand identity and livery, for example. 

In addition, bespoke furniture can be made to fold up on itself or sit tucked out of the way until it is needed, thereby affording the suite more space. Nests of tables are ideal but look old-fashioned unless they are fully tailored to the requirements of the overall design where they have the reverse effect and seem up-to-the-minute.

Make Use of Lighting

Never to be underestimated, a strong lighting design will add a great deal to any marketing suite. Not only can you utilise it to create a little sparkle on a dull day when the suite is viewed from outside, but it will also serve you well once people have entered. Spotlights that highlight individual information panels are a good idea, too. 

In addition, you should consider the ability to adjust the intensity of the lighting depending on the given situation. Clinical white lighting may be ideal for certain engineering companies but businesses selling lifestyles may find that softer tones suit their requirements better.