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Top tips to help combat Mental Health Burnout in Lockdown

According to Mind Charity, over 60% of Adults said their Mental Health worsened in lock down. Looking forward feels bleak, to say the least, and many of us that thought this would be over by now are beginning to lose hope so it’s important we find ways to manage our daily life and remain positive right now more than ever!

Having suffered my own Mental Health Burnout in Lockdown earlier this year, here is what I learnt to combat mental fatigue and stay emotionally well….

By integrating Positive Daily rituals into your schedule this could really help keep you grounded and allow you to feel comforted by repetitive routines that help lift your mood…

1. Movement is a great way to get the levels of Serotonin up and improve concentration and energy levels throughout the day. Getting outside for a short walk will help you arrive into your day with a sense of purpose and more vitality. Being outdoors and getting that dose of Vitamin D will really help keep moods lifted in the darker winter months too.

2. Writing your thoughts and feelings down on a daily basis is an effective way of keeping track of your moods and concerns. Encouraging as much self-awareness as possibly in these times is key to how we find the help we need or take the action required. Gratitude lists are also a great way to start and finish the day and help us to keep all the good stuff at forefront of our minds. Journaling really is the easiest thing to implement, all you need is a pen and some paper!

3. Mediation to break the cycle. Taking time to breathe is a powerful way to stay grounded, process what’s happening and activate the rational side of the brain. Also a good old stretch is a great way to way to kickstart the day. It can be as little as 15 minutes of mindfulness that can have such a positive impact on the mind and body. Breathing is something we can do anywhere! We suggest 4 rounds of breathing in for a count of 4, holding your breath for a count of 4 and then releasing for a count of 6.

4. Creativity to find escapism. Creativity looks different for everyone, it’s all about finding something that captures your imagination. Making time for a project that is a creative outlet for you can help to make sense of all the plates you have spinning at one time. Something repetitive or rhythmic will help your mind unwind and in turn release stress. Think of it like giving your head a hug. Whatever brings you back to the most authentic version of yourself is what you should be striving to make time for.

5. Human connection can make all the difference. Plan a chat with a trusted friend and grab a cuppa to have a good old fashioned phone chat. It’s free, fairly uncomplicated and can be such a mood booster for you. Try and be open about your feelings, it’s important to voice your truth with people you feel safe with. We all crave being heard and seen which is why this is such an important thing to do for our wellbeing. Hearing people coach us through these hard times not only reminds us that we are loved and valued but also allows us to gain another person’s perspective on the things that are whirring around in our minds. Don’t forget the powerful effect of endorphins too, laughing is a wonderful way to relieve stress.

6. Create your own Self Care plan. It’s a sad truth that we will prioritise everyone else around us before our own needs. However, in order to function at our best, we really need to make time to rest, replenish and regain our energy. Think of it like protecting yourself from burnout! We like to think of self-care like damage prevention or self-preservation. Write them down and journal the positive effects they had on your sense of wellbeing.

These are all free and easy ways to keep healthy both physically and emotionally and don’t require huge amounts of time, just the intention to do them consistently. In times like these, it really is going back to basics that helps us manage our emotional wellbeing day by day. The simplest acts of kindness to our mind bodies and souls such as drinking plenty of water, eating well and getting outdoors will actually improve concentration and productivity in the long run.