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What does a day in the life of a young entrepreneur look like?

PARTNER: Cable.co.uk

Are you a young person looking to start out on your own entrepreneurial journey? Well, get ready because you have a long, hard road ahead, but also an immensely rewarding one, and you’ll go through a rollercoaster of emotions. It’s all part of the journey. What might your day entail? Read on and find out how, as a typical young entrepreneur, you might spend your day.

Searching for your passion

When you want to start a successful business, you have to love what you’re doing. That means you need to decide what your passions are. You’ll focus better and feel more motivated if you’re doing something you love. Not only this, you’ll bring your own knowledge and personal experience to the business, which can prove valuable in making the business work.

Researching and understanding your market

To sell your services or product(s) successfully, you have to know your market. Researching your target market will enable you to market your business appropriately as well as decide on issues such as price points. Of course, you’ll be doing some of your research online. The good news is you don’t have to invest in a business package for your internet.

In the early days, you can do most of your work from home and use your current internet package instead of a more expensive business-tailored package. You don’t need to look for business-tailored everything. Home broadband packages are considerably cheaper and start at around £18 per month, with average speeds ranging from 10Mbps to even 1000Mbps. Broadband experts like Cable.co.uk recommend allowing at least 10Mbps per person, so unless you have a need to upload large files or want to stream 4k videos in multiple devices at once, most broadband packages on the market should more than cover both your business and personal needs.

Organising your finances

You’ve got to have a clear grip on your finances when you start in business. Start as early as possible to understand your financial situation and take steps to improve it. You can’t just rely on investors to fund your business and are likely to have to dip into your own funds. If you’ve taken out any loans, such as a student loan or a personal loan, try to pay them off before you start your business. This will improve your chances of securing a loan for your business.


You’re young and fearless, so go out and meet others in the entrepreneurial community. Networking is important and is an excellent way to establish yourself. The more visible you can be, the better. Speak to trade associations and industry groups. They can introduce to key players in your area of business. Networking also contributes to your wellbeing, by giving you an excuse to leave your office or wherever you spend most of your time working on your business.


You can’t build a successful business without planning ahead. Planning is crucial. It gives you focus, and you can create goals that help you develop your business. When you place key steps or actions on a timeline, you make yourself accountable, which gives you the discipline to see things through and, ultimately, keep moving forward.

Remember that starting a business is as scary as it is exciting, but you don’t have to go it alone. You might want to consider finding a mentor, who can guide you through the process so that you can build your business and steer the ship to victory.

It’s fantastic when you get there.