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Meet Loui Blake, founder of Erpingham House & Vegan Dough Co

Loui Blake is an award-winning marketer & entrepreneur, founder of the UK’s largest plant-based restaurant Erpingham House and brand partner for By Chloe UK. Passionate about plant-based food & sustainable business, Loui is a recognised keynote speaker, having spoken at London school of economics, University college London & Goldsmiths university, as well as corporate engagements for Wagamama, Aviva, Innocent drinks & the global restaurant investment forum. He recently won Future marketing leader of the year at Restaurant marketer & innovator awards, topping the 30 under 30 list.

Tell us about the founder behind the brand?

My name is Loui Blake and I’m the founder of Erpingham House & Vegan Dough Co.  I’ve been running businesses since the age of 16 and became interested specifically in a vegan lifestyle in 2015, after having a bit of a lifestyle overhaul! I’m also a keen public speaker who is passionate about using business as a vehicle for positive impact.

What inspired you to launch your business and what is the end goal?

After adopting a vegan lifestyle I was frustrated by the lack of food options & recognised many vegan restaurants didn’t appeal to a mainstream audience. I chose to open a full service cafe, restaurant & bar focused on healthy, sustainably sourced food and followed this with a pizza delivery brand for more indulgent, fast food to reach more diverse audiences. The goal is to encourage more people to choose plant-based foods that are kinder to the planet.

How do you set yourself apart from other businesses in your industry?

We create beautiful aesthetics, backed by strong digital brands & designed to meet people where they are. Despite being fully vegan concepts the vast majority of our customers are not vegan at all, so we’ve been able to cross over & attract a mainstream audience, which directly correlates with our mission of spreading the plant-based message! Our mission is the foundation of all of our decisions and a key feature in our design/branding.

Keeping an eye on the numbers in any business is important. How do you ensure that you're always up to date?

We use fantastic tools, like Xero & OpenTable, so we can track financial & trend data to ensure we know exactly what’s going on in our business, accessible via laptops in the office or our phones on the go! We stay in regular contact & hold weekly meetings to review the prior week & update action plans.
What's the biggest lesson you've learnt so far as an entrepreneur?

I used to try and do everything by myself, but I’ve had to learn the art of delegation the hard way! Today with 4 businesses & over 50 staff, Im much more comfortable with sharing responsibility and accountability, although I still love doing what most would consider “the small stuff!” It’s important to evolve as the businesses grow, and very much a case of "what got you here, won’t get you there.”

With all the success stories around entrepreneurship and how innovative people have to be to take the leap. How do you think you've innovated your sector and why?

I think we were very early to identify the trend of people reducing their meat & dairy intake, but equally we were able to meet this transition in such a way that people resonated with our offering, in what can require a delicate approach. Our communication strategy has effectively enabled us to establish touch points with our audience that connect them to our brand, focusing on subjects we can all agree on, such as sustainability & great design.

What are your thoughts on failure?
Failure is absolutely necessary and very welcome, I’ve learnt my biggest lessons from getting things wrong. I enjoy pushing boundaries & failing is a reminder that I'm continuing to try new things. When failures repeat themselves, it’s a sign we’re maybe not learning what we need to, so a new approach is needed. I’ve built resilience and become more comfortable with myself through getting things wrong and I now believe failure is only final when you stop.

Do you have a morning routine or ritual to get your day started on the right foot?

A morning routine has been fundamental for me over the last few years & has helped me take my productivity to a new level. I wake up at 5am and practice meditation, yoga, breath work, revisit my goals & then exercise whilst listening to a podcast or audiobook. I prepare my body & mind for the day ahead, then get a start on the day by starting work early.

If you could be in a room with 4 entrepreneurs, who would they be and why?

Danny Meyer of Union square hospitality. Richard Branson. Elon Musk. Jesse Itzler.

What are your top tips for entrepreneurs wanting to get their business out there?

Focus on your “why” and learn how to effectively communicate how your business exists to achieve this.

What plans do you have for 'your business' over the next two years?

Further improve our environmental efforts & innovate within this space. Open in more cities that are lacking in plant-based options and innovate with our food, ingredients & systems, whilst helping our people grow within our business & beyond.

How important is company culture and what is your top tip to get it right?

We’re extremely fortunate that we have a driven, motivated & committed team that unite behind our mission, as it reflects their own. This culture drives productivity, belief & support, which has been instrumental in our growth.

Any new product launches we should know about?

We’re launching a new range of doughnuts for Vegan Dough Co. in May, with which i think we’re truly innovated to bring a filled vegan doughnut to market that will be unmatched.

What's the single most important decision that you made, that contributed to your business?

To start looking at my revenue in terms of square foot. I was able to sweat the asset far more when I changed how I measured revenue. This is something I learnt more  recently.

How did you fund the launch of your business and what creative strategies did you use to execute a minimal cash flow?

I invest in my own companies to get them started, then I go out & tell people about it. It’s always been very organic & I believe people invest in people, so I try to speak to as many people as possible & ask if they know anyone I should speak to! To execute with minimal cash flow at the start, I put myself in very uncomfortable positions by saying “yes” and then figuring out how I was going to pay for things later!

How did you conquer those moments of doubt that so often affect entrepreneurs or stop many with great ideas – what pushes you through?

A solid morning routine has helped with the doubt, but it’s not something I feel a lot of. I believe wholeheartedly in what we do and if I ever stop believing, I look at what I can do physically to correct it or pivot to make it work. I believe in controlling the controllables!

What's the most important question entrepreneurs should be asking themselves?

Does this get me excited? Does this add value to people’s lives? Does this benefit the world?

How do you believe the evolution of tech will affect your industry over the next 10 years?

The changes over the last 10 years have been incredible and the rate of change is exponential, so its difficult to foresee! I do expect increased automation, A.I. & wearable tech for staff. Beyond that, I'm excited to see how it will play out.

What would be your top marketing tip, to grow a business that is so niche, yet incredibly timeless?

Find our tribe, then deliver them incredible value at the intersection of what they’re interested in & what you do.

Were you nervous at the outset?

Anytime a restaurant opens and the fate of its success is in the hands of other people, then yes.

Any moments where you thought you've bitten off more than you can chew?

Definitely! I put a deposit down on a restaurant and signed a lease without having the funds to fit it out or open it. I believed I would find a way, and I did, but at the time it felt like a massive step and looking back, it was risky.

What do you think gives a brand longevity?

The ability to evolve with its audience & the times. To pivot where necessary and remain authentic in what it stands for.