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Meet Rivka Rose, founder of Faith In Nature

I’m Rivka Rose, founder of Faith in Nature. It all started when a young American came to Britain and had an expectation. But what I found was that Britain wasn't America! The natural lifestyle I had embraced in California just was not here. So I tried to recreate it in the way I knew best, and that was by using my knowledge in nutrition and herbalism. This eventually led to the creation of a natural toiletry brand and as I look back I think to myself that instinctively I knew there was a gap in the market for natural, beneficial, creative and wonderful skin and hair care products...and I wanted everyone to use them.

With total passion and focus, I used my background and my desire to reach out to others in a meaningful way and worked day and night to make it happen. I travelled, talked, wrote articles and educated. In the early ‘70s, Britain was ripe for change even though it didn't know it. Dedication and drive became my bywords combined with my desire to really make a difference. I didn't allow anything to dissuade me from my vision.

What inspired you to launch your business and is the end goal?

I wanted to create and make available natural, really beneficial toiletries everyone could afford to use. I wanted to create an alternative to what was available.

How do you set yourself apart from other businesses in your industry?

Ours is a family business and as such, there is a connection with everyone you touch. There is a personal voice and a caring one. Faith in Nature is just that. I and we all are steadfast in clinging to our original vision, which makes all the difference and sets you apart from other companies who don't live the vision. Providing honest, authentic products with integrity and with an independent voice is unique and refreshing in a commercial world where sometimes people lose their way. Faith in Nature is different, we share our belief and want to connect (not only to our staff) but to our customers.

What's the biggest lesson you've learnt so far as an entrepreneur?

It's essential to know what you want to achieve and when you know that, go for it, truly and with a full heart, with full clarity. Modelling this is essential to those around you so your vision can lead and reinforce why we're in business and what that means to those you engage with. Without connection and meaning and a desire to do something new and 'your way' is key to living your vision.

What are your thoughts on failure? 

What's that! My view has always been to turn a challenge into an adventure, a mountain to climb and overcome. Don't let disappointment get in your way; Focus.

Do you have a morning routine or ritual to get your day started on the right foot?

Do you mean after the strong morning coffee? Walking helps me get the cobwebs out of my hair and taking the time to connect early in the morning to what's really important in life.

If you could be in a room with 4 entrepreneurs, who would they be and why?

Early on in my journey, I spent time with some of the pioneers in Israel, who inspired me with their dedication and purposefulness, including those whose life was in the natural field. In California, I felt the raw braveness and fearless energy that allowed expansion and creativity. That's what impacted on me and unconsciously helped to form my willpower to drive and succeed.

What are your top tips for entrepreneurs wanting to get their business out there?

Focus, there's nothing else if you want to have your voice heard. This is being totally one-pointed. Believe in yourself and your abilities, don't be afraid to be passionate and follow your instincts, look for the gap and enjoy and have fun in what you're doing. Make it meaningful. Take the risk.

What plans do you have for Faith In Nature over the next two years?

NPD is crucial to innovation and being on track and in line with what your consumers want is essential to growth. We want to be creative, on-trend, have a listening ear AND be true to our ethics and values of my original vision whilst going global.

What's the single most important decision that you made that contributed to your business?

I wanted to create beautiful, beneficial and effective natural toiletries that smelled heavenly available to everyone at affordable prices and that also meant never wavering from my original vision.

How did you fund the launch of your business and what creative strategies did you use to execute a minimal cash flow?

Simple, I sold some jewellery and traded that in for taking an enormous risk.

How did you conquer those moments of doubt that so often affect entrepreneurs or stop many with great ideas - what pushes you?

Belief that I was doing the right thing. The doubt was never big enough.

What's the most important question entrepreneurs should be asking themselves? 

The hows, not the whys...that comes later. In a sense just get on with it and try to figure it out and the rest follows. My background was not in business so I had an open and clear palette and could do what I needed to do without being prejudged or taught the 'right way of doing things'. Being creative and thinking out of the box helped. Don't be afraid.

What would be your top marketing tip, to grow a business that is niche?

You mean like Faith in Nature! Be true to your original message, be genuine and authentic. It's not about empty marketing, it's about your vision, especially in the digital world. It has to feel real and resonate.

Is word of mouth working to your advantage?

Absolutely. There's no better marketing tool than one's product. And that's why it has to be the best.

What social media channel would you say has worked the best for your business and why? 

Instagram, it allows us to express who we are as a brand in a visual way and people resonate with us more than on any other platform. Our high engagement and our 'follower growth' has a high and excellent response rate. People feel if you're real and care. Branding has to express who you are and what your message is.

Any moments where you thought you've bitten off more than you can chew?

Right now! We're putting a lot of focus on globalising the brand and we're restructuring the way the company works ie: people, branding, our works site. We're in a new growth phase, taking on a lot of new and substantial changes. It's awesome and challenging.

What do you think gives a brand, longevity? 

Firstly you have to be true to your vision. People instinctively feel if you are authentic and want to be part of your 'family'.  Your company and brand have to be relatable to your consumers and you have to relate to the world and the changes and needs there. Keeping in touch with your customers and what they want is key. That connection and resilience in 'brand connection' is the life of a company and we are driven to connect to our customers, the world, keeping it safe, doing the right thing. Sustainability is core to our beliefs from the very beginning, which was unheard of, and our branding message connects with people over time and that's real longevity. Many of our customers have been using our products for decades, they love them, we love our customers. There's a connection and that's why people come back over and over again to our products. Being a pioneer in the field and setting the pace for others to follow carries a strong and believable message.