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Meet the founder of Simplyseedz

I’m Cathryn, founder of SimpleSeedz.

Keeping an eye on the numbers is important - How do you stay on top of them?

It really is so important knowing how the business is performing. I use Xero to manage all financial aspects including VAT returns and check our performance on a weekly basis.

You operate in a highly competitive sector - How are you staying ahead of the pack?

The breakfast aisle is very competitive but we focus on our key strengths of offering transparency in our food chain. Our main USP is that we only use a maximum of 5 ingredients in our range of porridge with absolutely no nasties or ingredients you can’t pronounce. Its what our customers expect, clarity and integrity in their food choices.

Biggest lesson to date as an entrepreneur?

That there’s so much to learn! With a non-food background, it’s been a long but enjoyable journey. As they say Rome wasn’t built in a day!

How have you innovated your sector and why did you choose that pathway?

Simplyseedz came about following a personal health scare. While it wasn’t diet related, it gave me reason to look at what the current sector offered for those folk like me, that wanted transparency in their food choices.

Do you ever think about falling short/failure?

As an entrepreneur you never stop worrying! Have I done enough? Could I do more? The what if’s can take over your life. At the end of each day I am thankful for all our customers, suppliers who also believe and trust the Simplyseedz brand. We’re doing our best to be the best we can and we continue to strive to be the breakfast of choice for health reasons.

What morning routines/rituals do you follow?

Well I start with a bowl of porridge of course! I often eat it cold too, especially in the summer months prepared overnight, with a nut milk and then add some extra berries on top!

Single biggest decision you've made thus far?

To give up the corporate day job 4 years ago! Going into this on my own was a scary leap of faith as I was testing my products alongside a full-time job. But its been the best decision I’ve ever made.

How important is company culture / do you have a top tip?

Here our company culture is be yourself and treat those how you like to be treated. Good (some may say old fashioned) customer service is at the top of our list.

If you could be in a room with 4 entrepreneurs who would they be and why?

I suppose the usual i.e. Richard Branson always springs to mind. His business life is truly entrepreneurial; he’s had his failures, but picked himself up, dusted down and restarted. You learn from failure.

I’d have to include James Dyson (I love Dyson products).

It would be wonderful for Touker &Tej to be in the room too, as I’d love to see them again after my time in the Den 😊

What gives your brand longevity?

I believe our brand has longevity through our transparency. Being a trusted brand because of nutritional credentials is our purpose.

Ever worried that you've bitten off more than you can chew?

Golly yes! Whatever was I thinking – nice corporate job with all the perks to zilch! But the worries have been minor in comparison to what’s happening in the world right now. My immediate family and friends will always take priority.

How did you finance launch and keep cashflow down?

Personal savings have been the majority of the funding to date. Keeping on top of cashflow, using Xero reports weekly to check expenditure is part of my routine.

Single most important question entrepreneurs can ask themselves?

Can you do this? The answer should be Yes I Can! You need passion and be prepared to continue to learn from mistakes. Love doing what you do, otherwise, what is the point?