Just Entrepreneurs

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Meet the founder of The Bubble Waffle Company

I’m Louis, 13 years old and currently in Year 9 at Oakwood Park Grammar School in Maidstone. I like all types of food and support Portsmouth FC. I play lots of football on a regular basis.

You have created something so inspiring and of course yummy. What was the driving force behind it?

I have always wanted a business and when I went to Hong Kong last summer holiday with my family and saw the street-food, in particular the bubble waffles (eggettes), thought this is the one!

As the youngest registered entrepreneur at The Kent Foundation, how did you go from concept to launch?

There were many steps from concept to launch – more than I thought!...which I hadn’t anticipated. For example, the food hygiene certificate, buying the tables, finding a second-hand waffle maker from Gumtree, finding a market where to sell the waffles and lots more! I practiced making the waffles until I got perfection. I did this by testing them with my friends and family. Then I did my first market and loved it. Along the way I talked to lots of people with businesses that we know who gave me lots of advice.

Your creation will inspire so many young people like yourself. What has been the most challenging part so far?

This was my friends joking about it and thinking my idea was stupid and silly.…but I am making money and have bought some nice things with it!

Who inspires you to be go after your dreams?

Mainly my Dad as he encouraged me to do my business as he said follow my business plan and told me life is too short to worry and go for it! Furthermore, making my own money is the main reason why I decided to have my own business.

What is your favourite thing to do when you’re not running The Bubble Waffle Company?

Football!! And lots of it! Watching and playing! 

How did you fund it all in the beginning?

With pocket-money from my Grandad that I saved up.

What advice would you give to other young entrepreneurs wanting to start their own business?

That, although this sounds cheesy, persist with your idea and keep going if people doubt you!

            Louis with Ben Towers

What are your top tips on staying motivated?

Count the money….knowing that it is going towards a pair of football-boots that I would like to buy! And being passionate about the product that you sell.

What plans do you have for The Bubble Waffle Company over the next 3 years?

Franchising the company; getting my logo patented; paying for my family to go to our favourite curry restaurant.