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Future Aerial launches world’s first drone operations network

Future Aerial announces the launch of its DON™ model, the world’s first Drone Operations Network. The operations model coupled with Future Drone Cloud™, its cloud based technology, enables any commercial business in any sector to commission multiple fleets of drones at any one time.

With the introduction of Future Aerial’s DON™, businesses no longer have to deal with individual drone operators or suffer the varying levels of quality of data capture, analysis or delivery to complete a nationwide or international job. The DON™ model ensures clients’ data is delivered consistently and to the highest standard.

Andrew Blogg, David Bush and Jan Domaradzki launched Future Aerial in June 2014. The company is used by everyone from councils to companies surveying and inspecting assets such as mines, infrastructure and power utilities.

Andrew Blogg, co-founder at Future Aerial, says: “We’ve been obsessed by drone tech from the beginning. We are operators ourselves and can see first-hand how large corporates will benefit from a network of drones to check assets such as bridges, pylons or roof-tops of buildings.”

Future Aerial currently has over 20 fleets of drones signed up in the UK with one operator, Chris Fenton, technical director at Octovision Media Limited commenting: “Drone operators are usually one man bands. Future Aerial has helped me turn my love for drones into a viable commercial micro-business. It was difficult to get interesting work from large companies before because it is hard for them to work with individuals. FA removes that barrier and allows me to make a living from flying drones.”

Marek Rozycki, non-exec Chairman at Future Aerial, and a former VP with Amazon.com, comments:“People often talk about drones in a military or a novelty context. These guys are one of the first teams in the world  to bring a viable and scalable commercial model for large organisations, operating nationwide”.

“The team is impressive, has great credentials in this space and the market they are tapping into is of a significant size and ripe for disruption. I’m excited about the potential of Future Aerial.”

All of the drone operators signed up to Future Aerial comply with the ‘dronecode’ set by The UK Civil Aviation Authority (CAA), or relevant regulator which looks after airspace safety.