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Jerry Brand launches FREE business modelling tool for entrepreneurs


Jerry Brand, is a very successful serial entrepreneur and the man behind Russel and Brand. After being in business since 1988, he always wanted to give back, but didn’t have the time. After leaving Host Management, he spotted an opportunity and time to launch a new venture (different to anything else he has ever done).  The focus in to ‘give something back’ to budding entrepreneurs in this country.  Jerry believes that everyone deserves the opportunity to shine if they have a new business idea – regardless of personal circumstances.  He himself, has enjoyed a 30+ year success rate of setting up businesses and wanted to give something back to the entrepreneurial community.  

He has set up a new registered not-for-profit charity (no. 1165700) – The Brand Foundation, which is providing a FREE business modelling tool to anyone with a great business idea, so that they can road test their idea first to see if it has legs.  Then further support can be provided to find funding for the start-up/entrepreneur.  The new charity is on a mission to help entrepreneurs to be successful and to avoid the mistakes that lead to 90% of start-ups failing in the first year.

The Charity operates with a Trustee group who have previously ran their own businesses or continuing to do so. They meet on a monthly basis to review the progress of The Brand Foundation.


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BizKit, the modelling tool will take a concept through to a three-year P&L balance sheet and cash flow. This is secured on Microsoft Azure network, which means all information will be protected and only visible to those it has been shared with. It allows you to invite colleagues as well as funders/investors to a private online meeting to discuss the funding you have asked for.

BizKit offers:

·       Analysis of your conceptual business idea/s

·       Allows you to invite business partners/colleagues to create the model with you

·       Forecast your detailed Gross Profit

·       Create your labour and support resources

·       Confirm your three-year P&L, balance sheet, cash flow and funding needs


The Brand Foundation also offers a Start-up Fund. This is created for those who have completed their BizKits and have not received funding from an investor or sponsorship. Those accepted to receive the Start-up Fund may be first movers or in sectors that require a big shake-up. They will then be reviewed to see whether their concept can be funded through the Start-up Fund or not.



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