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Monthly sales triple in lockdown for Scottish eco-friendly toy company

Crediting a strong reputation and steadfast business model for its successful 2020 sales figures, Lothian based eco-friendly toy company, Yummikeys has reported a 291% increase in YTD trade figures with monthly sales tripling since March, when lockdown commenced. 

Mother of three and founder of Yummikeys, Elspeth Fawcett comments, “My business is fairly well established online, and, although the nation’s spending on the whole has probably decreased over the past few months, people are spending more time online, babies are still being born, mothers are still breast feeding and teething is simply part of life.”

An increase in lockdown sales have also been attributed to a combination of product being wearable and sustainable, appealing to a new generation of millennial customers flocking to the stainless-steel toy brand.

Fawcett continues, “As more millennials become parents, I think trends towards increasing eco-awareness and companies who are seen to be vocally in-line with this, will do well. Small businesses where the founder is visible, continuing to focus on plastic free toys and promoting Montessori-style ‘battery-free’ products, are going to be paving the way.” 

Mostly, Elspeth is just proud of the difference she is making, “10,000 sales of Yummikeys is the equivalent of 600kg of plastic toys not purchased and therefore not ending up in landfill. Having already sold over 10,000 this year and with plans to get to 40,000 by the end of 2020, we are excited at the prospect of freeing up 2,400kg of single-use plastic.”

With three hero products available, Yummikeys has seen a clear rise in demand for its YummiNecklaces, a necklace worn during breast-feeding to help calm distracted babies. With over 58% purchased this year vs 27% keys and 15% rings.

As Scottish bricks and mortar stores are still in the early stages of reopening, Yummikeys has used the last three months to ensure that parents of teething babies are being targeted and funnelled through its website, social media and online advertising, where they will find thousands of positive customer reviews which speak for themselves. 

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