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New intelligent planning technology breaks new ground for the Social Care Industry

Log my Care, one of the fastest-growing start-ups in the market for social care tech, has announced the launch of a new intelligent care planning tool which it says will break new ground for the care industry.

Creating and managing care plans is a vital part of the job in the social care sector. These documents need to be comprehensive, detailed and individually tailored. Consequently, writing care plans has become a headache for many people working in care. Log my Care’s new Care Planning and Assessments tool is the first of its kind to introduce a seamless data flow to the care planning process. Whereas pre-existing care software providers typically offer document editing-style functions, the new intelligent system is a fundamental change in the process of care planning, freeing up care professionals’ time which is increasingly under pressure as the sector faces growing demand.

Sam Hussain, Founder of Log my Care, comments:

“Most care software imagines the stages of care planning in silos that don’t talk to each other. We wanted to think about the whole process end-to-end and then build a system where the flow of information is seamless throughout. For example, if a first assessment shows that a person sometimes uses an aid to help them walk, our system prompts a full mobility assessment, with the initial observation already logged. This includes assessing risks, which in this case logically includes the risk of falls. Very quickly, the care teams build up a picture of the person – what they can do and what they need support with – and it’s all documented in a way which is helpful and informative to everyone involved, including the regulatory bodies. Previously this type of connected information flow just hasn’t been available to people involved in care, causing wasted time and frustration.”

Before developing the new module, research by Log my Care showed that one of the most frustrating problems with existing systems was having to fill in the same basic pieces of information – such as name, date of birth and next of kin - multiple times in multiple places, either by copying and pasting or in many cases on paper. With Log my Care, this now needs to be done just once. Another challenge was the lack of specific regulatory guidance about what should go into a care plan. Log my Care have therefore created a full library of assessments to help guide care professionals through the process of identifying the care individual people might need. The appropriate and regular review of care plans is also a regulatory requirement, so the new module enables reminders to be set to make sure reviews are triggered on time. In addition, risk scores and levels are calculated automatically as assessments are filled in and a full version history creates an instant audit trail.

Adam Hurst, Chief Technology Officer of Log my Care, adds:

“If new technology is going to be adopted, it has to developed from the perspective of the people who will use it every day. Despite a variety of care software being available, uptake has been remarkably low, with estimates suggesting that 80% of care providers still use paper records.* This is why we have worked with care teams at every stage of the development process of our app. Providing care is a fundamentally human process. But with the right understanding, technology can support it – saving time, raising quality, and improving safety by reducing the chance of errors.”

Log my Care also is also disrupting the Care software as a service (SaaS) market through its pricing. Legacy providers tend to work on a model where potential customers have to book a demo and then sign up to lengthy and costly contracts. Log my Care’s core offering is free to all users with no demos and no need to input credit card or other payment details. Additional premium modules, including the new Care Planning and assessments tool, are available to try for free for 30 days, and then at a monthly charge with no ongoing commitment.

Sam Hussain, Founder of Log my Care, continues:

“The care sector needs support as it transitions to a digital world. We wanted to create a no-brainer pricing level, which is why our core offering is free and available to all. Allowing care providers to pick and mix the additional bolt-on modules they want makes the software affordable for every provider of care, where squeezes on costs are a reality every single day. Rather than existing on paper locked in a file in an office, Log my Care means Carers can have care plans that make sense, in the palm of their hand.”

To find out more and use the system for free, visit https://logmycare.co.uk/care-plans/

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