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New sustainable investment app Launches Crowdfunding Campaign

  • Clim8’s mission is to empower investors to focus their savings on positively impacting climate change.

  • The company has already raised in excess of its £400,000 target.

  • Over 5,000 already on the waitlist for the new investment app.


Clim8 Invest, a new fintech platform for sustainable investments, launches its first ever Crowdcube campaign. Building on the previous £650,000 raised in 2019, this second round will support the completion of an intuitive and transparent investment platform, grow the company’s team of experienced professionals and further support business growth.

With the official launch of the platform scheduled for the summer, Clim8 Invest is giving the public an opportunity to join the mission to fight climate change by investing directly in the company. This public round launches after a successful private round with existing investors and some new investors.

Investors include Board Directors of leading fintechs, such as Marcus Exall (Monese) and Marcus Mosen (N26). 

Clim8 is in the vanguard of a global investment surge into companies targeting zero-carbon emissions. In 2019, a Morgan Stanley report stated 95% of millennials are interested in socially responsible investing. According to data provider Morningstar, last year investors poured $21bn into socially responsible investments. 

Clim8’s investors will be able to track their investments via a user-friendly app. These investments will channel funding towards clean energy and sustainable companies that are making a positive impact on climate change. Themes include clean energy, cleantech, smart mobility, sustainable food and recycling. More than 5,000 climate-conscious investors have already signed up to Clim8 Invest’s waitlist. 

Duncan Grierson, Founder & Chief Executive, commented: “While the world grapples with the Covid-19 pandemic, we must not lose our focus on the longer term climate crisis which will be a much bigger problem. There is a pressing need for a platform like Clim8 Invest right now. Many people want to help by investing their savings into positive climate solutions; this is what the app is all about. From an investment point of view, this is a great opportunity for investors looking to make an impact.”

Luke Lang, Co-founder and CMO of Crowdcube, added: “We’re honoured to partner with Clim8 Invest, a brilliant idea to fulfil the rising tide of people’s desire to invest in companies with a big mission. We at Crowdcube believe it’s this blend of engagement and purpose which will drive the shape of businesses in the future, and as a result combat the world’s climate crisis. We look forward to supporting them in their drive for true mission-led growth.”

The Crowdcube page is live and available here.

Investors in Clim8 via Crowdcube are also invited to register their interest by joining the waitlist, and be among the first to download the app and access the platform.  

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