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Quell Raises $10m in a Series A Funding Round Led by Tencent

Quell, the UK-based fitness gaming developer and publisher pioneering the future of fitness gaming technology, announces the completion of a $10m Series A funding round led by Tencent with follow-on investment from Khosla Ventures, Heartcore Capital, Social Impact Capital and entrepreneur Naval Ravikant. This latest round brings Quell’s total financing to $15.6m.

The Series A round enables Quell to upsize its launch game, Shardfall, and continue to expand its video  game library. The company will also commence large-scale production of its ‘Impact’ fitness gaming  system, a proprietary motion and biometric tracking technology with haptic sensors that offers a fully  immersive video gaming experience where every workout burns over 600kcal/hour, the same as an  intense spin class. Quell has seen very strong pre-orders and expects to roll out the product globally later  this year.

At the heart of Quell’s wearable device are athlete-grade resistance bands, available in different strength  levels, so players can push themselves further, helping them achieve their personal fitness objectives.  The device turns the player’s body into the controller, avoiding the need for heavy and uncomfortable  virtual reality or camera equipment, and enables users to feel the impact of their movements as they run,  jump and fight their way through beautifully rendered immersive environments. The Shardfall game is an  intense combat experience where players battle mystical creatures that threaten the sanctity of the  Sacred Forest. 

Quell’s gaming-first approach is personalised and achieves gym-quality exercise that covers both cardio  and strength. It is suitable for all fitness levels and abilities. The inbuilt fitness trackers measure calories  burned, heart rate and speed, and can automatically adjust the game and the workout difficulty to deliver  high-intensity exercise.

The Series A funding follows a $5.6m seed round completed in December 2020 with participation from  Emmett Shear, the CEO and Co-Founder of streaming platform Twitch, Kevin Lin, the Co-Founder of Twitch,  start-up accelerator Y Combinator and JamJar Investments. The health and fitness app sector is forecast  to reach $10bn by 2027, up from $7bn in 20221.

Cameron Brookhouse, Co-Founder and CEO of Quell, said: “The Quell Impact is the first gaming platform  designed from the ground-up to deliver high-intensity, personalised workouts where the player is the  controller. Through our pioneering technology, we aim to help millions of people worldwide unlock the  health and wellness benefits of exercising while immersing them in worlds where the hero gets stronger  as they do. We’re thrilled with the support we’ve received from such a distinguished team of investors and  look forward to seeing the over 10,000 Impact pre-orders arrive in people’s homes soon.”

Dr Ling Ge, Chief European Representative at Tencent and Quell Board Member, said: “Tencent is  delighted to support Quell as it looks to bring the future of fitness to consumers globally. Until now, fitness  gaming was an undeveloped sector, providing either a great gaming or fitness experience, but never both.  Quell’s Impact device solves this problem – by refusing to sacrifice entertainment or exercise, it provides  a consistently entertaining, exhilarating home fitness experience. We’re confident Quell will drive fitness gaming to the mainstream and are proud to support them as they work towards their global launch this  year.”