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Success story amidst lockdown - a working from home business flourishes

July 2021 will mark the first anniversary of Mel & Mark Sinjakli taking over the My Baker cake concierge service, a freshly-baked cake provider with an artisanal outlook that’s enjoyed significant growth in the intervening months.  

The surge in popularity for this pioneering ‘fine cake enthusiast’ business was fuelled primarily by the new founder’s ambitious ‘nationwide stretch’ programme and a fervent ‘comfort food’ renaissance that took hold during lockdown.  This was a time when growing numbers of stuck-at-home cake aficionados, brownie buffs and moreish macaron devotees sought out well-deserved respites from robust, ‘healthier living’ agendas.  This was also a sea-change time when ‘employee-appreciative’ businesses craved increasingly innovative new ways to show ‘confined to home’ workers that out-of-sight never meant out-of-mind! 

According to new co-owner, Mark, ‘On first inspection it seemed that lockdown might be something of a double-edged sword for our young enterprise. On the one hand we temporarily had no access to those large gatherings, weddings and corporate get-togethers on which we’d once forged our reputation, however this short-term loss was more than recouped by a growing appetite for online shopping.  When one factors in the temporary lack of access to pubs, restaurants and non-essential shopping, it became clear that inquisitive foodies needed new, alternative ways to satisfy their diverse ‘comfort food’ cravings.  Over the same time-frame there was also a significant spike in demand for tasty ‘food minority’ recipes that accommodate the expanding need for gluten-free, egg-free, dairy-free and vegan cakes.’.’

Whilst it was clear that supporting cash-rich/time-poor parents and friends who wanted to bring extra wow to any gathering or special event would remain pivotal to My Baker’s business, there was also a growing appetite to meet the growing demand for treats for smaller and less formal occasions, and to extend the operation’s reach beyond its proud London & South East heartland.

Today, My Baker has a nationwide loyal baker community that’s growing by 10-15 each and every month. This has been achieved by providing cast-iron converted orders (as opposed to just leads) for talented artisanal bakers.  Such a set-up means talented home bakers can focus solely on the task at hand and not get tied up in all the time-consuming haggling that often accompanies initial enquiries.

Mark concludes by stressing that, ‘Whilst no-one’s under any illusion that a more health-conscious mindset is the primary take-away from last year, there will always be a demand for indulgent time-outs. When these moments arrive, discerning consumers will be more reluctant to settle for mass market, off-the-shelf treats. These gifts have become more important, more meaningful; and that’s where we come into our own.’