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Techspace open largest European Innovation Campus in Berlin

Techspace, the workspace provider dedicated to high-growth, technology-led businesses opened its latest location this month, Techspace Eiswerk, in Berlin. Situated on the border of Mitte and Kreuzberg in the popular development area of Nördliche Luisenstadt, Techspace Eiswerk offers flexible workspaces, meeting rooms and event spaces to Berlin’s forward-thinking businesses. 

At a time when businesses and their employees are looking for more flexibility than ever before, Eiswerk will be Techspace’s largest location to date with capacity for more than 700 new members across seven floors.

With space for teams between six and 70 employees, the offices on offer are between 25m² and 350m². Designed to be modular, each space offers flexibility and options for personalization. Alongside the opening of Eiswerk and in response to the global shift to more agile modes of working, Techspace has also launched ‘Flex’ at Eiswerk. A feature that allows businesses to downsize their HQ without limiting employees’ utilisation of amenities within the building. 

“Our members want a space to come together to collaborate, innovate, share ideas and experiences and meet other like-minded people and they want to do this on flexible terms. They want to be inspired by their environment and feel like it has been designed with their needs in mind” explains Jonathan BevanCEO at Techspace. “As Berlin returns to work after the pandemic, workspaces like Eiswerk and our Flex offering represent the future of the workplace.”

Although the short-term impact of the pandemic has been challenging, the crisis is set to benefit flexible workspaces in the mid-term. More businesses are turning to solutions that offer greater flexibility or on-demand spaces giving business owners the ability to turn what has historically been a fixed cost into a variable cost. Flexible workspaces have surged in popularity over the last 10 years. As businesses return to work in Berlin over the next 6-12 months, flexible workspaces including Eiswerk will help keep Berlin’s growing technology sector moving forward together.

New Eiswerk members LIV are a Leading VR streaming technology platform and a great example of the type of business Techspace was created to support. Chris MansfieldVP of Product at LIV, comments: "We didn't just want an office space. We wanted to be part of a community of like-minded people building transformative companies. "Out of the old comes the new, and the historic Eiswerk space tells a story that is authentic to Berlin, fits with our DNA as a team of scrappy rebels and inspires us to create on a daily basis". 

Built at the end of the 19th century, the former ice factory was one of the first in Europe. After WW2, the ice company dissolved and the building’s condition deteriorated. Identified by Avison Young and developed in partnership with Trockland, and GRAFT architects, Techspace has sympathetically restored the riverside warehouse to its former glory retaining original brickwork throughout and protecting key historical heritage features, such as the lift shaft, that make the building so special.