Business leaders should be ready to embrace change in 2022

Business leaders should be ready to embrace change in 2022


Business leaders have been operating in an ever-changing world over the last couple of years, yet while the coronavirus pandemic created many shifts for businesses – some temporary, some permanent – most are now learning to embrace our new normal.

And while this new normal might feel freshly established, the key message for businesses is that we are likely to continue to see rapid evolution in everything from attitudes to the workplace to digital transformation in 2022.

One trend that will undoubtedly continue in the new year is a focus on sustainability. COP26 brought a renewed focus on the environment when it took place in Glasgow in November, right at a time when many consumers were already altering their purchasing habits and actively shopping for greener alternatives. To succeed in this world sustainable leaders, who hold the green agenda as a core value and incorporate it into their short and long-term decision making, will be key to a business’s continued success.

There is likely to be a real focus on the continued transformation of businesses in 2022. Businesses will be expected to redefine their workplaces and think about how they can make these smarter, more efficient and better for their people. I’d expect that the business world will continue on its journey to establishing normality following the pandemic across 2022, and this transformation will offer companies an opportunity to refresh, renew and consider how they can maximise and mobilise their workforce for the digital age.

This will be supported by a continued focus on digital developments, with businesses being compelled to invest in resources such as CRM systems, big data, AI and automation in order to keep up with the competition.

To this end, we will undoubtedly see a continuation of online selling in the new year, allied to continued focuses on mobile payments and self-service options to create a frictionless experience for consumers. Social commerce, already a huge business trend in recent years, will continue to grow, with influencer collaborations continually being seen as a key attraction method to help businesses grow and bring in new customers.

On the human front, the psychological contract with employers will become increasingly prominent in 2022. A heightened awareness of mental health issues, as well as social, emotional and technological intelligence, will be absolutely key for those looking to engage staff in the new year. 

Meanwhile, remote working remained a key part of the challenge of operating a business in 2021, and it will be vital for businesses to continue to strike this balance effectively if they are to attract and retain the best talent in the new year.

The new year will create new challenges and fresh opportunities for leaders. Those who embrace this change will set their businesses up for ongoing future success.

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