How to grow followers of your LinkedIn business page

How to grow followers of your LinkedIn business page


Most companies realise the importance of social media in marketing, but many, for unknown reasons, tend to avoid certain platforms. LinkedIn is one such channel. This social media started as a recruiting website and over the years, evolved into a robust marketing platform. But as with all social media websites, creating a company profile on LinkedIn will only get you so far. You need to grow, educate, and retain your audience to succeed. This is exactly what we’re going to talk about today, let’s get started.

Optimize your LinkedIn company page

Linkedin company profile picture and background photo

Before doing any kind of marketing, you need to build a solid profile where users will land. First impressions are important and to ensure a positive image, your profile should reflect your expertise. Having a consistent visual style might seem irrelevant but how many times have you noticed a McDonald's sign in an unfamiliar place? LinkedIn background photo is technically your storefront. Just like in the real world, LinkedIn company profile picture size also plays an important role. Make sure that your logo sits perfectly in the square and your LinkedIn banner size is just right.

Create a clear description of your business page

Once you're done with visuals, verify if your content is consistent. You won’t get followers on LinkedIn if your profile confuses them. Make sure the description is clear, well written, and conveys expertise and credibility.

Feature Specialties as part of LinkedIn marketing

Include Specialties in your account description. These will help prospects to find you easily as Specialties are basically keywords. Place relevant information about your business so that you would pop-up in the search result. It’s one of those marketing strategies that doesn’t require a lot of effort but might give outstanding results.

LinkedIn Business page Essentials

Start from engaging your employees

Perhaps the easiest way to gain new followers is to ask your employees. After all, they are your most valuable asset and they are the ones who make your company popular in the first place. Encourage them to follow, like, and share your page. This way, social media algorithms will push your profile to the main page which will lead you to more exposure.

Add LinkedIn page to your email signature

Likewise, you can also ask your employees to include a link to your LinkedIn profile page in their email signature. The link will not only serve as an extension of your marketing strategy but will drive more traffic to your page. Indeed, keeping everything under a tight umbrella, including email signatures, will boost your odds of getting new prospects.

Install LinkedIn follow button

Moving to something more technical, make use of the LinkedIn button. Installing this feature on your website will drive people to your profile page much faster. To place it on your site, head over to this page and copy the HTML code. Setup your “data ID” and paste it where you see fit. It’s simple, it helps, and most importantly, it’s free.

Convert customer into followers

Once you have everything set up and running, why not convert your existing customers into your followers? You already have their trust so convincing them to follow your page will be easy. Besides, this will be a good way to inform them about new or upcoming products.

Create showcase pages

If your company has a really cool product/service, you might want to create a showcase page for it. The reason why you want this page is that it has its own analytics, visuals, and content. This way, you can highlight your product/service and demonstrate expertise in a certain field. If you offer many products, use the “Products” section instead. Try to keep your showcase page vacant only for really special offers.

Develop a LinkedIn Content Strategy

Next, create a good content strategy. A good content strategy consists of well written, factually accurate, highly entertaining information. In essence, what you want is to entertain, educate, and engage your audience. Each piece you publish has to give your visitor a reason to come back and learn something new.

Optimize your content for SEO

SEO is perhaps the most valuable tool when it comes to digital marketing. Having relevant keywords spread across your content will push your Google rank and subsequently accumulate more visitors. Nowadays, no company can survive without SEO. Therefore, include meta descriptions, link internally if possible, and use topic clusters.

Engage in LinkedIn groups

You see, groups are not just a bunch of people gathered to talk. It’s a place where you can interact, learn, and discover new stuff. By being an active participant, you get the chance to demonstrate your knowledge and attract potential customers.

Add company news regularly

Constant updates of company news ensure that your users know where you are heading. Sometimes your followers don’t realise that you offer more than just one product. What you need to do is announce and promote your existing or upcoming services/products because, often, people don’t know that they need more than just one product.

Check out LinkedIn’s Trending Content to find popular topics

If you’re stuck and don’t know what to publish, you might want to check out the Trending Content tab. There, you will find all kinds of ideas for new content. You’ll also have a better understanding of what your readers are more likely to view.

Use paid adds

If your company lacks exposure, has little to no following, or maybe want to expand the audience, employ paid adds. This is a good way to boost your marketing efforts and perhaps the best way to explore new corners. You can test different demographics and analyse what content works best in certain scenarios.

Check LinkedIn analytics

The best thing about Linkedin for business is that you have the ability to view how well your marketing strategy works. Having statistical data at your disposal will allow you to adjust various aspects of your campaign and identify where you need to push more.

Final thoughts

There are many ways for you to improve your online presence on LinkedIn. Hopefully, our tips will help you grow a passionate following. Make sure you follow us on all social media platforms.  We post helpful content every single week.

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