5 ways to use vehicle signage to grow your business

5 ways to use vehicle signage to grow your business


As a business owner, you need to maximise the use of any advertising strategy and medium to promote your brand and get the exposure your business needs. One effective tactic is using vehicle signage. It is not a contemporary marketing strategy, though. They were referred to as vehicle stickers or car logos in the past. But fast forward to today; they're now popularly called vehicle signage or decals.

These graphics, installed on vehicles, are effective in growing your brand. If you haven't yet realized their efficacy, it's best to read along with this article, and you might change your mind. Your company vehicle is driven everywhere in the city or town, so having your brand and logo displayed will get you the maximum exposure your business deserves. 

Find out more ways to use vehicle signage to grow your business:

Make use of vehicle wraps

Vehicle wraps are a popular strategy that many cities and tour buses leverage. They usually partner with a third-party company that pays them to advertise their brand on their large buses as tours are being conducted all over the city. Suitable for brand promotion, vehicle wraps are vibrant and exciting. You can experiment with various design elements to capture potential customers' attention.

Whether you just started your venture or your business has been in the industry for decades, vehicle wraps remain promising. That is because you can design your advertisements creatively with vehicle wraps. It's flexible in different ways, unlike other traditional advertisement options. With this method, you'll be able to turn heads from people walking down the street or other drivers on the road.

Local businesses should invest in vehicle wraps. The key is to work with the best vehicle wrap company as they install unique and bold graphics that will make your vehicle stand out vibrantly everywhere it goes. Businesses with a large fleet of vehicles can benefit from vehicle wraps to reach a larger audience. Local advertising can help small companies by improving their brand reputation and supporting growth. It offers many advantages for all businesses and industries.

Use vehicle signage during promotions

Your business is probably holding some promotions for a given time. In such instances, it's best to use vehicle signage to introduce and broadcast it to all your audience. Due to their non-permanent nature, vehicle graphics are ideal for showcasing limited-time promotions. Promoting a seasonal sale or a special discount through vehicle decals will help you reach a large audience.

Chances are, company cars are usually driving around here and there, performing pickups and deliveries. It exposes your promotional sign to neighborhoods that aren't fans of using other marketing mediums like the internet, TV, or magazines. People who hang out on the streets can easily read your promotion and share it with their friends and families looking for the services or products you offer. Don't forget to include your contact details on your vehicle signage so your prospects can easily reach you. 

Build and grow customer trust

It is more likely that your customers will recognize your brand if you are visible in your community. Fortunately, that's what vehicle signage can help you with. It makes you visible and available to customers. When you have a car wrap with easy-to-notice graphics, it will convey a sense of professionalism and authority to your customers.

It, in turn, will result in growing and building customer trust. Your vehicle branding will establish a compelling brand awareness as it is always on the street. Also, it will encourage existing customers to be repeat and loyal customers.

Position your business locally

Vehicle graphics can be especially helpful when targeting a specific local area. Just like localizing your SEO strategy, the same concept applies to using vehicle signage. It is an effective way of targeting the local market. As you drive around the local neighborhoods, they can see your brand display and eventually retain it in their minds.

They'll be able to remember your brand compared to other national and international opponents. Prioritize your target audience, and if you're targeting locally, use vehicle signage. You can best expose your promotional message in diverse streets, alleys, and regions if you plan your route carefully. 

Use it as a cheap way to advertise

Branded vans are a cheaper advertising method than TV, magazines, and other printed ads. This method, along with other cheaper advertising gimmicks, should help you establish your brand more successfully. 

Most of the world's most lucrative brands fight over prime billboard spots at bus stops and train stations. Unfortunately, you might not have the financial power to compete and fight with large companies to get a spot on that mighty billboard advertising slot. Also, if you want your poster displayed for longer, you need to shell out more money. 

Fortunately, that's not the case with vehicle signage. It incurs a one-time investment. And you can change your decals according to how long you want a promotion or advertisement campaign to last. Even if you never decide to replace them, the high quality of the decals is enough to make them last a long time. 


Adding graphics to your company vehicles is a great way to build your company from the ground up. With all the different ways to use vehicle signage, as mentioned above, your business will surely get the exposure you've wanted to have. Vehicle decals are versatile and flexible to style, so you can take advantage of creative and unique ways to make them more vibrant and stand out on the roads.

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