How to get motivated when your business fails

How to get motivated when your business fails


Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.” – Winston Churchill.

  • Are you going through a rough patch in your life?

  • Recently lost your bread and butter because of a business deal?

  • Have you lost a passion project as a new entrepreneur?

If any of the three questions mentioned above speak to you, then look no further as we promise an excellent read to deal with your distress.

Let’s start with the cliché sentence everybody uses that failure is the part of your life. No matter how many times you have heard this and it might have become annoying by now, you will also agree that it is true. Ups and downs are what life consists of because it stops for nothing. Life goes on and along the way, we can either learn and grow or stay stuck up regretting how thing unfolded. Businesses, jobs and any other mode of earning is no exception to this rule. Nobody starts as a millionaire or immediately get recognition for their efforts as a startup. Some of the most celebrated businessmen and entrepreneurs that you look up to now started as no more than a random person with a great idea.

According to the facts published on, the founder of Facebook Mark Zuckerberg first launched the site from his dorm room at Harvard. He dropped out soon after and continued developing what we know as the number one social media platform today. Do you think Zuckerberg regretted being a Harvard dropout when Facebook was not an instant success? The answer is no. He didn’t. Because if he had, Facebook wouldn’t have even come close to the status it has achieved today.

So if you feel stuck right now having experienced a failure recently let us help you reconsider, shall we?

6 ways you can effectively motivate yourself after experiencing failure

Here are a few ways you can use to effectively motivate yourself to learn from this incident and move on!

1.Let things be for a while

Many people around you would want to distract you right away from the situation that has transpired. It is not their fault. They are your loved ones just trying to take care of you. But you should know what’s best for you, even in such difficult times. Politely ask them not to rush the process and let the thing be for a while. It takes time to get over failures, and that should be embraced and valued rather than being rushed.

2. Don’t indulge in self-pity.

According to a report by Psychology Today, a single failure can create a subconscious fear of failure that consequently leads to self-sabotaging. But that is not a healthy state of mindset to be in. You should not indulge in self-pity and find excuses as to why you failed. Justifying failure and pitying yourself for going through it is going to cultivate chances of failure happening again because you will unknowingly repeat what you had done before, continuing the deadly cycle.

3. Realise your mistakes

Instead of justifying your failure and indulging in self-pity, find the error you made and realize your mistakes. It is crucial to know precisely what you did wrong not to repeat it again. Knowingly or unknowingly, an error that causes you extreme loss or failure should never be justified but rather understood and learned from. You can find material to read from coursework help UK as well.

4. Take your mistakes as lessons learned.

As mentioned above, not only realise your mistakes but learn from them. Don’t take it easy or too hard on yourself. Both extremes are wrong in case of failure. Instead, realise your mistakes, see what you did wrong and repent by taking it as a lesson learned. Such an act of positivity will not do you any harm but rather let you see the brighter side of things.

5. Find inspiration

There are so many motivators, public-speakers, influencers and just merely, platforms to seek therapy where you can find the inspiration to embrace failure. Or maybe you can take it from some of the famously known household names like Hershey’s chocolate. The world-renowned confectioner was seeking apprenticeship as a printer and then lost two candy ventures before he hit the jackpot with Hershey’s. Imagine not having Hershey’s chocolate bars to help you fight the sadness. It would be a sad world to live in.

6. Reconsider, reevaluate and move on

It is never too late to start again. Reconsidering your options, reevaluating your timeline and moving on may seem easier said than done. But that is the natural course of life. One cannot stay stuck fearing failure and not starting over again. So matter how much time it takes, believe that at some point you would have to step out of it and take in the reality of things no matter how much you are in denial for now.

Bottom Line

All in all, failure is part of business, a general part of life and of your journey to reach the point where you realise your purpose. So better make the most of it than not!

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