Increase customer engagement and align with a cause

Increase customer engagement and align with a cause


Attracting customers to your company requires a sound and developed strategy. However, retaining those customers and ensuring they are engaging with your brand requires an additional plan and execution. An important component to include in this plan would be the alignment of your company with a greater cause. 

In today’s society, customers routinely look into what a company can offer them outside of their products or services. They wonder if there is a motive, story, or passion behind the brand. This type of unprecedented engagement is a double-edged sword. It can mean more support or it can begin a reckoning for your company.

For example, customers will browse your social media posts, dig deep into your reputation and culture, and even look at where your profits are going. 

If they see a lack of involvement with common political and societal stances like the support of social justice, equal rights, and diversity, be prepared to be publicly called out. If you’re not worried about protests and boycotts from certain groups, think again because your brand’s well-being may depend on it. 

One example from last year that showcases the power of customers' opinions is the closing of the UK’s first Chick-fil-A amid protests over the company’s support of anti-LGBTQ groups.  

When deciding what cause(s) to align your company with, do your research. Make sure they are reputable and that any money donated is going where the cause says it is. There are plenty of nefarious people in the world who look for opportunities to take advantage of the giving nature of others. So, make sure you’re knowledgeable on what and whom you’re supporting because your consumers will notice. 

This is especially true when large movements are in the public spotlight. The Black Lives Matter Movement, for example, has regained momentum and is frequently talked about both on social media and the news. Situations like this can cause unaffiliated groups to draw donations away from the main movement. 

People and companies will think they’re helping the main cause, when in reality they’re giving to something that likely strays from the objective. This is why it’s important to do research before writing that check or voicing your support. 

It is also important to remember that you can, and should, be supporting more than one cause. There are plenty of injustices and worthy movements in the world that could use your company’s support, both financially and to share their message. 

A great company role model to aspire toward in the issues and causes department is Ben and Jerry’s. While you will automatically associate them with their fun and unique branding and ice cream flavours, the company is also fully dedicated towards change. This is evident in the list of issues they care about and actively support. Their stances and support of all these causes, makes people want to in turn support them and their product. 

Don’t be afraid to be vocal about your company’s support of these causes. Your customers will appreciate you speaking out and showing your support beyond a simple donation. Doing so on social media allows your loyal customers to share your message of support, thus increasing their engagement with your company and exposing you to their followers as potential new customers. 

However, one component of social media to be wary but cognisant of, is your employees' use of it. Your employees are an extension of your brand. They represent your company’s values, and thus they need to constantly be upholding them. 

You cannot afford to have an employee who publicly goes against your company's values and the causes it supports. That shows a lack of cohesiveness within your company and your customers will not be afraid to vocalise their disdain. Toleration of an employee's mis-behavior in a public setting will undoubtedly cost you customers and give you the negative engagement you do not want. This is why it is highly important to include etiquette in your social media policy. It will give your employees a set of rules to follow while online and as representatives of your company. Also, including these rules in your policy protects you and your company should you have to let an employee go if they fail to follow etiquette. 

Alignment with a cause can help your company reap plentiful rewards. However, failure to do so, or doing so without due diligence, can quickly backfire. It is imperative that you do your research, align with causes that represent your company’s values, and develop an internal plan to uphold and support them. You must also ensure your employees are aware of the potential consequences of going against your company’s values and policy, even when off the clock. 

Customers are more tuned into companies’ actions than ever before. Make sure that your support and actions enhance your customers’ positive opinions and that they are able to trust in your brand. If so, you’ll find them to be more engaged than ever before.     

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