Location, location location - why Bristol has been vital to our business success

Location, location location - why Bristol has been vital to our business success

Location, location location - why Bristol has been vital to our business success.png

There was a perception among many founders that their business needs a London headquarters in order to be successful. Times have changed, however. As we move towards a hybrid system where working from home is set to continue as the norm - at least for a couple of days a week - having an office space in the capital is increasingly less important. 

Those seeking to set up a business - or considering relocating - have a number of factors to consider.  Amenities, close to transport and of  course city location and proximity are all important, especially with so many viable locations. I decided to base my company OurPeople here in Bristol, a choice which has allowed us to flourish. 


The UKs best business hub

Having sufficient support is crucial in determining whether a business will be able to grow. This can come from many sources - knowledgeable investors, like-minded entrepreneurs or friends and family. Regardless, being able to access well-informed advice is a key stepping stone on the road to success.  

When choosing a base for OurPeople, Bristol seemed completely unique. Its business hub, among the best in the country, possesses a host of brilliant minds from various industries who all come together to support each other. Whenever I require assistance, or am unsure about the next step for the businesses, the hub is there to help. 

Although I had previous experience of founding and scaling a company, the hub proved an invaluable tool for our growth. It meant I could base my business in my hometown, retaining access to a lifetime of contacts.


From the perspective of a founder, a Bristol HQ provides access to top quality talent. Not only are living expenses greatly reduced in comparison to in London, but the area possesses an ocean of expertise to dive into. Alongside a tight-knit business community, being in Bristol makes the process of networking and sourcing talented people who will help your business grow far more straightforward. 

At OurPeople, we are fortunate to have discovered some extremely talented individuals heralding both from the local area as well as all over the UK. Flexible working practices are vital in enabling a company to attract a broad scope of talent - as a founder, it’s to embrace this flexibility. It’s the best way to find - and retain - skilled employees.


The phrase ‘work-life balance’ has taken on even greater significance in the last year. Living for the weekend is a concept of the past - a 2019 research report revealed nearly 98% of Brits believe work-life balance to be important, while 37% believed their own work-life balance was poor. 

In the same report, Bristol was ranked among the top five work-life balance cities - an unsurprising result given the wealth of opportunity on offer here. 

As well as being a Living Wage City, living and working in Bristol means employees have the benefit of the city centre bustle, while the countryside and the beach are only a short drive away.

What can other cities learn?

Bristol is ideally set up for business. Companies based here can capitalise on the great transport links, with easy access to the city’s amenities and work spaces. One aspect that really stands out is camaraderie between Bristol and nearby Bath. In my experience, neighbouring cities often view each other as rivals whereas here, there is a strong feeling of support.

Together with this, Bristol’s world class universities encourage thousands of skilled students to stay in the area post-graduation. The constant stream of young talent is a real driver behind the success of the local technology community in particular. 

My message to founders is this: come to Bristol! It’s one of the best places in the UK to start and grow a business. You’ll find great talent, wonderful lifestyle factors as well as one of the most knowledgeable and supportive business hubs in the country.

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