What are the elements and business trends for 2020?

What are the elements and business trends for 2020?


The 2020 year is about to come, so, if you are an entrepreneur it is high time to think about the plans and resolutions for the next 365 days. According to the Chinese zodiac, 2020 will be the year of the White Metal Rat. Will 2020 be a lucky year for entrepreneurship and business growth? Let’s analyse the key elements and trends of the future year to know if it will be a good time for starting and growing your own business. 

Well, 2020 will be a very interesting and busy year for everyone who is in business. And here are the main points you should focus on to become successful in 2020:

  • Be confident in actions

Metal is the actual element of the 2020 year which means that confidence and consistency should be the main focus. 

The color of the coming year is white, which will also have a beneficial effect on events, as it symbolizes happiness, peace, and justice. For that reason, you have all the chances to achieve any goal in 2020. The only requirement will be to do everything with clean and fair intentions.

  • Focus on financial growth

The rat loves wealth. It means that 2020 will be financially prosperous. Your main task is to think about the ways you can increase your income and keep your focus on wealth. 

But don’t think that everything will be so easy. 

2020 financial growth does not mean you won’t face any difficulties. Unfortunately, hard times will come at the beginning of the year. Your decisiveness and passion should be tested. If you don’t give up and cope with any obstacles, your efficiency will increase and things will get better.

  • Make decisions fast

We got used to analyzing, and carefully considering each step. The rat loves speed, so if you want to achieve success in 2020 it is important to do everything fast. Probably you’ve been waiting for the moment to start your own fashion brand or travel the world. So, 2020 is your chance to move your life and business to the next level. Now you know what to focus on in 2020, let’s move to the trends. 

Here is a list of the key business trends you should focus on:

  • Customized product/service   

If you create a product or service, think about the way you can customize it. Just having a good product is no longer enough. People care about the emotions they get after the purchase, and what a business will do in order to build loyalty and keep clients.

For example, Starbucks has created an application allowing clients to order a personalized drink. This App keeps the entire history of purchases, customer’s preferences, and locations. And this information is effectively used to create special offers and promotions for their clients.

  • E-commerce growth

If you’ve always wanted to create an online store and start making money from online shopping, it is time.

Online shopping is considered to be the most popular online activity in the world. According to the portal Statista, online retail industry revenues will not stop growing in 2020 and will reach $6.54 trillion by 2022.

  • Digitalization of new niches

Digitalization is a trend that will be growing over the next few years. Everything goes virtual. And if you are still thinking about creating a business idea, here is a win-win direction.

  • Freelance growth

Millennials love freedom like never before. We want to control where to go and work today and tomorrow. According to the recent polls in 2020, young people will increasingly prefer remote work than office employment or even creating their own business, because it is risky, requires time and does not guarantee any financial security.

  • 24/7 customer support   

The one who responds to customer requests faster will win. We do not want to wait a day, or even an hour until anyone from support responds to us. Only here and now. 

In the world of today’s competition, businesses fight for each client. Our task is to think about using modern technologies in order not to lose customers and increase loyalty.


As far as you can see 2020 will bring much luck to everyone who is confident and consistent in their actions. This year is not for hesitant entrepreneurs and long-decision-makers. If you want to achieve success in 2020 follow trends, go in pace with time and believe that nothing is impossible. 

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