Meet the author of 'Mercy: Battle for The Chosen One'

Meet the author of 'Mercy: Battle for The Chosen One'


Hi Wendy! You’ve just published your first book called ‘Mercy: Battle for The Chosen One’, please can you tell us a little about it.

Hi Triss. Yes finally published! The book is an Urban Fantasy about the journey of a powerful young woman named Mercy, who lives by a different set of rules to ours. She is funny, spoilt and sometimes infuriating but you can't help loving her. She takes the reader on a ride that's filled with magic, lust and adventure. Her best friend Cass is not your run of the mill girlfriend and is hilarious in her own right. I was actually belly laughing when I wrote some of Cass’s interactions so hopefully the readers will do the same.

What inspired you to write on this subject?

I have been an avid reader from early childhood up to today. From fairy tales and romance through to horror. To me this book is the perfect balance of all three genres and my imagination can have full reign.

Is there a particular audience that ‘Mercy: Battle for The Chosen One’ is aimed at?

Yes.  All lovers of Fantasy books that are filled with magical twists and turns.

Your book lay unfinished in a drawer at your house for 20 years! What was it that made you decide to return to it?

My daughter!  About 23 years ago I sent the manuscript off to an editor. He told me that although the book was well written, there was no call for that sort of genre in the marketplace. I believed him and so left the manuscript gathering dust. Many years later my daughter read it and fell in love with Mercy.  Last year she started hounding me, as we both have a library full of Urban Fantasy and she thought it deserved a place on the shelf alongside them.  So out my book came. It was tweaked and edited and through many tears and much laughter we now have the finished article.

You received the first hardcopy of ‘Mercy – Battle for The Chosen One’ a few days ago, how did it feel to finally get your hands on the finished article?

It was an amazing feeling! To actually see my book in print after so many years is truly a dream come true and to be totally honest one I never thought I would see.

How do you intent to market your book?

At present it is being marketed through social media and there is a plan for an advertising campaign in the pipeline.

How should a writer go about trying to get their book published?

There is the traditional route through editors and publishers and although every writer dreams of being accepted through these channels it is a very competitive marketplace. I have gone down the self-publishing route which I also found very challenging; thank goodness I have a technical wiz in the family.  On my own I don’t think I would have managed the formatting needed.

What is your favorite place to visit?

France without a doubt. That is actually where I edited the book ready for publishing

Any more book ideas in the pipeline?

The second and third books in my Spellchant Saga are well under way. The characters, plots and subplots are all there so now it is just a case of getting it out of my head and into print.

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