Just Entrepreneurs

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Meet Joivan Wade, co-founder of The Wall Group

I’m Joivan Wade, an actor, TV & Film producer and co-founder of The Wall Group. Through my company, ran by me and two business partners, we’ve established multiple brands and entities that focus on producing compelling and exciting online, TV and film content for youth audiences as well as branded content. We’re passionate about being game-changers and continue to lead the way in innovative storytelling and new talents finds in the UK.

Tell us about the founders behind the brand?

The Wall Group was founded in 2011 by actors and producers Joivan Wade & Percelle Ascott, which was the same time we also created the online YouTube series; Mandem On The Wall. The show was quite pioneering at the time as it was written and produced by us and due to its huge online popularity, it led to our characters appearing in the hit E4 show Youngers. We then went on to not only create more of our own online shows but also launch the platform, Wall of Comedy and establish our production services, Wall of Productions which helps other online creators and influencers grow in their social media presence and profile. All these entities sit under The Wall Group, which is also run by our brilliant Managing Director Tafara Makopa.

What’s the most common problem your customers approach you with? 

Our customers are usually fellow actors, content creators and brands who want to know how grow and find more ways to create compelling content and IP, that’ll help them cut above the noise across social media. We’re also great at finding content creators relevant enough to different audiences to partner with.

What inspired you to launch your business and what is the end goal?

The inspiration behind launching our business really centred on trying to solve a problem - that being there is not enough opportunity and platforms for diverse content creators to produce their content and have it seen by the masses. At the moment, traditional TV broadcasters need you to really prove yourself in order to secure a commission. Creating our business allowed us to cut out some of the reasons these broadcasters would say no to new content. We’ve been able to help create amazing content and build audiences/ fan bases, therefore making it difficult for broadcasters to now say no.

How do you set yourself apart from other businesses in your industry?

We pride ourselves in the fact that no one can create better IP and online content for a youth culture audience than us. We also manage and have access to the best urban talent in Europe, without a doubt! We have proven ourselves time and time again by producing content that is achieving incredible viewing numbers, igniting audience conversation and launching fresh new on-screen talent.  We are still thriving and leading the market in an ever-changing social media landscape.

What’s the biggest lesson/s you’ve learnt so far as an entrepreneur?

The biggest lesson we have learned is to generate multiple revenue streams within our business, constantly evolve within our space and at times.. take risks!

With all the success stories around entrepreneurship and how innovative people have to be to take the leap. How do you think you’ve innovated your sector and why?

We were the first of our kind in the UK. Before we launched the platform, The Wall Of Comedy, there was no other online comedy network in Europe that served youth culture the way we do. There was nowhere for aspiring and exciting content creators to place put their content and have it find an organic audience.  We were determined to be the solution to this problem. We were also the first in the UK to take a show Mandem on The Wall from YouTube with to terrestrial television and make it a success ( pretty proud of that).

What are your thoughts on failure?

We never look at anything as failure, only important lessons and experiences. What most would count as failure is what actually birthed our company. Many of the failures we’ve had have allowed us to re-evaluate ourselves and strategies to only come back stronger. We would never have our company and be helping so many creatives, brands and networks had we not gone through experiences that shaped us and made us who we are today.

As a business owner, do you know when to walk away from a sale?

Yes, we walk away from any opportunity that does not tie into our bigger picture or vision. If it conflicts with our brand ethics and mission, then it is never something we pursue.

Do you have a morning routine or ritual to get your day started on the right foot?

I (Joivan) wake up between 5:45 am – 6 am every day, followed by my daily affirmations. I’m then feasting on a hearty breakfast before working out and jumping into emails and my to-do list.

If you could be in a room with 4 entrepreneurs, who would they be and why?

Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerberg, Richard Branson and Elon Musk. For me and many others, they are the most successful innovators of our generation. I would love to speak with them all about the core principles that took them to the levels they’re at today so that I could cross-reference my habits, daily routines and pick up some new skills.

What’s the single most important decision that you made, that contributed to your business?

To start...the journey is continuous but the most difficult thing for any first-time entrepreneur is to actually start their entrepreneurship.

What social media channel would you say has worked the best for your business and why?

YouTube has definitely been a huge one for us as this is where we started, Facebook is where we found the most success & was able to generate the most revenue and build the biggest audience.

Any moments where you thought you’ve bitten off more than you can chew?

Constantly! I think this is the achilles heel for an entrepreneur, we always want to create and build. Sometimes too much too soon. Through experience, this was definitely something I had to learn and pace myself on.

What’s the most important question entrepreneurs should be asking themselves?

What problem am I solving?

What do you think gives a brand longevity?

We are in an industry that is ever-changing and innovating. As long as we evolve, everything around us should strive to evolve too.