Meet the co-founders of Ento Collective

Meet the co-founders of Ento Collective


We’re Alejandra and Danielle, co-founders of Ento Collective.

Walk me through the thinking behind Ento Collective.

Two friends with a shared passion for entomophagy and healthy, sustainable living. We created Ento to change the way protein is considered consumed, for the good of our health and the wider environment.

What began as a discussion about our shared passion for entomophagy quickly morphed into a category-defining Entovegan blend made up of mealworm, pea and brown rice protein. Distinctively delicious, highly nutritional and with the lowest environmental impact possible, here is a versatile protein blend that’s as comfortable being deployed in a juice, smoothie or breakfast as it is being baked within a gooey brownie or cupcake.

We produce everything in the UK to support local manufacturers, and package our products with recyclable cardboard and 100% biodegradable pouches – our unique blend contains more than 20 beneficial vitamins & minerals.  In ballpark terms we’re geared at anyone circumnavigating a hectic lifestyle.  Our reach extends far beyond ‘gym enthusiasts’ and we’ll never bandy around ridiculous catchphrases like ‘meal replacement!’  

What gives you the confidence that you’ve struck upon a great idea?

The fact that people now crave a more sustainable future and the unshakeable reality that old-school farming is creaking & groaning at the seams whilst unwittingly endangering the planet.  

Put it this way, mealworms contain more vitamin B12 than salmon, more iron than spinach and more calcium than milk.  If that wasn’t compelling enough you only need 10l of water (and a lot less land) to create 1kg of insects Vs 22,000L for beef and insects can be fed on bio-waste, not soy-based feeds that are a major contributor (no.2) to global deforestation.   

Give us an interesting mealworm fact.

Mealworms can hold out to temperatures lower than -10 C, pretty impressive for a beetle larvae that originated from the African continent! Insects also generate 80% less methane than cows!

What did you both do prior to Ento Collective?

Danielle works as a free-lance designer and was the creator of our Ento Collective vision whilst my background was one of working in International trade at the Chamber of Commerce?

Worst moment of anxiety?

There’s no escaping the factor that within Western culture there’s a default YUCK setting when it comes to entomophagy, a situation made worse that by the fact that many of the original entovegan launches were little more than ‘grubby’ gimmicks.  The reality is that whilst Europe & North America have been a little slow out of the blocks when it comes to bug appreciation, the edible insect market is already a £435m business with +2 billion followers who embrace nutrient-dense insects as part of a sustainable daily diet.

Your thoughts on failure?

Life’s too short to dwell on ‘what ifs and maybes.’  That’s not to say that we’re blinkered or unduly starry-eyed, we just like to start with a positive outlook and take it from there.  

Next big steps for Ento Collective?

Too many of our protein powders fall into one of two camps, either nutritionally driven yet riddled with synthetic extras, masking sugars and ultra-processed ingredients OR foodier with invisibly discreet flavour profiles.  Mealworms offer a sublime nutty twang whilst our non-alkalised cacao from Democratic Republic of Congo is velvety smooth and earthy with real depth.  There’s absolutely no excuse whatsoever why foodie & nutrient-robust ambitions can’t sit side by side.

We value authenticity above all else!  Our recipes are assembled with sustainable thinking in mind which is why are cardboard packaging tubes are both 100% bio-degradable and made from recycled and recyclable cardboard.  Consistent thinking should permeate every element of what one does!     

Biggest lesson you’ve learnt to date?

In isolation pea protein is a tad soulless (earthy, bitter and chalky) Pea protein certainly has a role to play on account of its impressive nutritional worth, but it isn’t the sole default answer for people who can’t consume whey.   In stark contrast, mealworms have a decadent nutty twang (it’s true!)  

What’s the easiest way to buy Ento Collective?

Courtesy of our good friends at Amazon.

Best words of advice for fellow founders?

Never be afraid to knock on every door you wander across or seizing any opportunity that might arise from taking a punt.   People an inquisitive ‘underdog’ brands on the proviso that they’re based on sound rationales and authenticity. 

Thanks for reading my interview!


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