Meet the founder and CEO of Genius Group

Meet the founder and CEO of Genius Group


I am Roger James Hamilton, CEO and founder of Genius Group, which encompasses edtech platform GeniusU, Genius School, and Entrepreneurs Institute. I started my first business when I was at Cambridge University studying architecture, but it became clear that I was an entrepreneur at heart, and I knew that I would go on to have multiple businesses and ventures.

I always felt that in order for me to be successful I needed to create a job for myself as opposed to relying on getting a job. I believe this ethos is more relevant today than ever, which is why I have founded multiple companies that foster entrepreneurialism.

What inspired you to launch your business and what is the end goal?

My mission is to accelerate entrepreneurs’ collective progress to achieve the 17 United Nations Global Goals. One of those is quality education for all, which is where I find my purpose. I am passionate about teaching individuals how to fulfil their potential. At Genius, we are developing a future focused, entrepreneur education system that spans from early learning, primary and secondary school, through to university, adult education and corporate training. Teaching entrepreneurism is exciting for me as I can help inform people who want to achieve more and build successful businesses. 

How do you set yourself apart from other businesses in your industry?

We are disrupting the education system with a more relevant, modern and fit for purpose curriculum that prepares students of all ages and skill levels to be successful today. The education system in the Western world is archaic and has one major focus, which is teaching students how to get a job, whereby at GeniusU, our curriculum teaches students how to create a job by understanding their value and leveraging that value.  GeniusU connects students to a global network of knowledge, connections and opportunities, each following their own personalised path. Our curriculum is delivered both through mentors and coaches and also through micro degrees using forward facing AI to help users find their next steps to take. 

What’s the biggest lesson you’ve learnt so far as an entrepreneur?

The biggest lesson developing Genius Group has taught me was to not rely on the lessons I learned at school and university to try and grow a business, but to do the opposite. Instead of thinking success was a plan that was worth an A grade, realising you get no points for passing an exam or submitting a report in business — it’s not about your success but the success of your customers, partners and team.

What are your thoughts on failure?

I love this quote from Bruce Lee: “Do not fear failure. In great attempts it is glorious even to fail.” 

My advice is to remember that there is always someone who has experienced similar problems to you and found solutions to them. So, reach out to others. Find a trusted circle of colleagues or connections who can benefit you and find out how you can help them. Other people help to give you clarity and perspective as well as support in return. 

Do you have a morning routine or ritual to get your day started on the right foot?

I always take a moment to breathe before moving into the day. I think about simple things that I’m grateful for, the people I love. Focus on what my intention for the day is; and think about what I really want to get out of the day. I also exercise first thing. 

If you could be in a room with 4 entrepreneurs, who would they be and why?

 A mentor of mine who has always inspired me over the years is the late Buckminster Fuller (Bucky), who was renowned globally for his outlook on solving the world’s problems. His greatest thought process was to gamify the solutions by creating the World Game, and just before he was about to tell the world how to play, he passed away. This has continually inspired me to continue this legacy in providing the world with a different approach to solving issues and providing future focused solutions. There are so many things I would love to talk to him about now.

What plans do you have for Genius Group over the next two years?

We are building a global curriculum and faculty by assembling thought leaders and entrepreneurs from across the world. Genius Group is also partnering with educational locations and individual teachers worldwide who can provide their courses and mentoring on GeniusU. The curriculum we are creating is designed for lifelong learning, from 0 to 100 years old, and our acquisitions and growth are testament to fulfilling that goal. 

What’s the most important question entrepreneurs should be asking themselves?

What are your passions and your purpose? This will inspire, inform and drive everything you do. Within Genius Group we use the Japanese concept of Ikigai, which basically means ‘a reason for being’. It’s about connecting with what you’re good at (your talents), what you enjoy (your passions), how you make money (your vocation), and what the world needs (your purpose). It’s easier to manage stress when you know that all your hard work is for a great purpose. When you are driven by purpose, every day becomes meaningful. You don’t need to push yourself when you’re being pulled.

How do you believe the evolution of tech will affect your industry over the next 10 years?

In the next decade we will see the next frontier in online interaction: the metaverse. In short, the metaverse is an immersive 3-D virtual world that mirrors our world and will replace the 2-D searched based internet. It will revolutionise the way we live, learn, earn and connect. We are now moving beyond the information society age into the impact or imagination society where there is a digital layer across almost every aspect of our lives. Big data collected by the IoT will be converted into a new type of intelligence by AI and this will reach every corner of society, including education. At Genius Group we are always looking to the future and developing with these changes. 

What social media channel would you say has worked the best for your business and why?

YouTube has been a fantastic tool for us when it comes to sharing our stories, advice and ideas to a wider audience. For me it is the best storyteller platform that people can connect with. 

What are your responsibilities as a business owner?

I think we all have a responsibility to give back. If you are clear on why you do what you do, you can support that purpose by creating impact and giving back. This has much more weight than that of just giving to charity for example. Our biggest giving partner is Buy One Give One where instead of giving money, you give impacts to a cause that means something to you. Of course, you pay for these impacts, but it is measured in this way and 100% of the impact is donated to the cause and B1G1 sell business memberships with tools to fund the operations. As entrepreneurs, we have the power to shape our future by creating and collaborating on projects that are focused on purpose as well as profit.

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