Meet the founder of AfroTouch Design

Meet the founder of AfroTouch Design


My name is Georgina, founder and creative behind AfroTouch Design. I’m a British born Nigerian and a proud mum of three beautiful children. I was brought up by a proud Nigerian Mother who instilled in me that I could do or be whatever I wanted in life, all I had to do was put in the work! That message has stayed with me.

By day I inhabit the corporate world as a Pharmacist working within the pharmaceutical industry. I run AfroTouch in and around my family and working life. I tend to run Afrotouch in as little as 3 -4 hours a day. I love what I do, so I make it work and I have a really supportive family which is an enormous blessing.

What’s the most common problem your customers approach you with?

A lot of customers tell me that they find it difficult to buy cards which represent them and the black community, especially in retail stores. They often have to search online and really want to be able to buy a last-minute purchase for a loved one on their local high street.

What inspired you to launch your business and what is the end goal?

The creative spark for my own business was ignited whilst I was on maternity leave with my middle child Josiah… as I was breastfeeding him! With a baby on one side and a laptop on the other, I was searching for a greetings card for a friend that truly represented African culture. I didn’t find anything, so I went to my local High Street and there was nothing suitable there either. Driven to fill that gap in the market, I decided to get some African fabric, a piece of card and put something together myself. My friend loved it and here we are! When I first started my greeting cards business my end goal was always to create a buying option for our community in mainstream stores and to build an amazing brand.

What’s the biggest lesson you’ve learned so far as an entrepreneur?

You can’t do it all! There comes a point where you have to hold your hands up and ask for help. I took on a virtual assistant 2 years in to running my business and she has been a massive help and support to me. Outsourcing where you can, is key and can save you so much time as a business owner. Also know your customer base and develop your ‘idea friend’ understanding their buying habits, where they work and shop, what they read, how they dress and cater to them in your business decisions.

Do you have a morning routine or ritual to get your day started on the right foot? 

I’m up at 5 am most days, I usually get ready and prepared for the day. I am definitely a to-do list type of girl and like to write down my goals for the day in a planner.

I try to get in some exercise where I can, but with three young children this can be quite a challenge. I might go for a run or pop on a workout session from an app. I usually work on the business until about 8am, then get the kids ready for the day before I start my day job.

What are your top tips for entrepreneurs wanting to get their business out there? 

Whatever social media platform you use, build a community that supports you as an individual and  also your brand. Be consistent and show up everyday to share something’ so that people get to know you,  start to like you and then trust you enough to buy from you. Building a community takes time but when it grows organically it’s amazing!

Meet the founder of AfroTouch Design (1).png

What plans do you have for AfroTouch Design over the next two years?

Over the next 2 years I plan to build a small team, to support with production and fulfilment. I would like to build a design studio and continue to expand the range of products I provide. It’s an exciting time and I’m looking forward to experiencing the growth.

How did you conquer those moments of doubt that so often affect entrepreneurs or stop many with great ideas – what pushes you through? 

It’s a really hard thing to do, but a colleague of mine recently shared this quote with me – “You can’t choose your first thought, but you can choose your second” I really feel it’s important to have a positive mindset and always go back to why you want to do what you do. It should never really be about you - about who you want to serve with your idea or craft.

What’s the most important question entrepreneurs should be asking themselves?

Goes back to what I said about knowing your “Why”. If you continually ask why am I doing this? What is the purpose? Then this will help you make the right decisions; it will keep you focused and drive growth.

What would be your top marketing tip, to grow a business that is niche?

Start with one social platform and be consistent with your messaging, it’s best to keep it simple and always bring in your personality. If you show up every day and add value, you’ll begin to build your community that know, like and trust you and once you have a loyal customer base you are good to go.

What social media channel would you say has worked the best for your business and why?

Instagram without a doubt! As a product-based business, great images are key. This allows you to show your products to the world. It’s great that Instagram is now linked to my Shopify store so you can purchase products just from the pictures you see.

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