Meet the founder of Not Before Tea

Meet the founder of Not Before Tea


Can you tell us a bit more about yourself, Henry?

Yes, of course. I have just gone in to year seven at school;  I love singing and my pug puppy called Martha. 

What inspired your writing at just 10 years old?

I love writing stories; I think lots of children do.  I am lucky that my mother thought it was a good idea to then turn it in to a book. Neither of us have ever published a book before, but luckily it turned out okay.

You set up your business at a time other children are enjoying playtime, how do you balance business and fun?

I love doing my business. I have met amazing people, been to brilliant places and I am so proud of it all. 

I do normal things too like playing with my friends and walking my puppy. I will always do one business thing a week when I am not at school (usually on a Saturday) and then have all my meetings during the holidays. 

I like the title “Not before Tea”, how did you come up with such a catchy title?

It seems to be what all grown ups say; especially my Grandma. So, I took the idea and used it fro the name of the book.

What is your mantra in business?

Make sure you are having fun. If not, then you need to do something else.

What is your advice for other young and budding entrepreneurs like yourself?

Two things: Firstly have a pitch at a car boot sale to learn how to price things, talk to customers, display and promote your products. It is a great way to learn.

Secondly – don’t be afraid to give new things a try. I was terrified when I was asked to speak at a conference in front of 300 people. It turned out that I love presenting and I now want to do as many as I can. If I have not tried, I would never have known that I love doing it (I still get scared though!).

What would be your top marketing tip and why?

The business must have a story behind it; customers love stories and so do journalists. It makes marketing so much easier.

The illustration in the book is beautiful, how did you decide on how each character would look?

I had a good idea in my head on each one and I went out for pancakes with my parents to go through them before I told the illustrator. I even decided on their accents too (just so I am ready when it is made in to a TV programme!).

Most of my meetings are over a milkshake, Mexican or pancake!

If your business was a cake, what would it be and why?

Lemon Drizzle; it is refreshing,  simple and very enjoyable!

If you could choose a business mentor – anyone in the world – who would it be?

Richard Branson, I met him when we were on The One Show together and he was so calm and friendly.  He struggled with school, like I do, so I think we have lots in common!

What plans do you have for your Not Before Tea over the next 3 years?

More books! To go worldwide would be very cool, I also want to grow my new online tv channel which I have just launched.

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