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Meet Joseph Hagan, founder of Streamline PR

My name is Joseph Hagan and I am the founder of Streamline PR I started the company about 5 years ago.

What inspired you to launch your business and what is the end goal?

I was at a crossroads in my old job. I was unhappy and wanted to do something I found exciting and fulfilling. I had always been interested in the entertainment industry and felt that I possessed a transferable skill set. That's when I left and set up Streamline PR. The end goal is to ultimately become the go to personal publicity agency for talent looking to raise their profile.

How do you set yourself apart from other businesses in your industry?

Streamline PR offers everything from personal publicity, management, and event curation. Over the last few years we have networked extensively in London and abroad and as a result have a unique database of contacts with which we have built strong relationships.

We pride ourselves on being a boutique agency. We are very hands one with clients. Most agencies just send clients an email and tell them to turn up to an event. At Streamline we make sure we are there for our clients, managing the red carpet ensuring no press opportunities are missed.

What’s the biggest lesson you’ve learnt so far as an entrepreneur?

The biggest lesson I have learnt is to know your value. When starting your business you may feel like you need to work for cheap or free in some cases. It is important that you value your time and work appropriately. If word gets around it could affect your ability to command higher fees in the future. Also get an accountant ASAP.

What are your thoughts on failure?

Failure is part of life and business. We learn the most from failure, it's important to remember what went wrong and make sure you put practices in place to minimise the chances of it happening again.

Do you have a morning routine or ritual to get your day started on the right foot?

Before Covid 19 my morning would start with an hour at the gym and a podcast before I get started on calls and emails. Now I try to go for a 5km run before starting my working day.

What plans do you have for Streamline PR over the next two years?

We have already worked in America and Europe. We have placed our clients front row at New York Fashion Week, Paris and Milan respectively. We would like to expand and start working with African brands. Hopefully we can put on an event in Africa within the next couple of years.

What’s the single most important decision that you made, that contributed to your business?

The single most important decision I made was to believe in myself. When you're starting a business it is very difficult to get people to buy into you. If you don't believe in yourself and your ability to make the business a success nobody will.

How did you conquer those moments of doubt that so often affect entrepreneurs or stop many with great ideas – what pushes you through?

There will be lots of hardships to encounter as an entrepreneur, days where you don't want to get out the bed. It is so important to maintain the drive and focus to keep working even when you may not see the results immediately. You have to believe you will be successful. Trust that the all the hours you are putting in now will pay off eventually.

Is word of mouth working to your advantage?

Word of mouth is massively important. A lot of my clients come from referrals. The industry is small and people talk. If you do a good job word gets around.

What social media channel would you say has worked the best for your business and why?

Instagram has been a great tool in helping expand the business. It serves as a tool to display the various amounts of press and brand collaborations we have helped to achieve for our clients. It also allows people to get in touch about potentially working with us.