A platform for Mumpreneurs launched a crowdfunding campaign

A platform for Mumpreneurs launched a crowdfunding campaign


An amazing online platform was launched in November 2014, by Gemma Whates called All By Mama. This idea came to her after giving birth to her son and leaving her career as an account director in the retail industry. Created solely for businesses being run by parents, the award winning platform features and sells products made by parents.

In April 2015, the startup secured £20,000 pounds from LCD investments to increase sellers, while attracting more customers. At present the All By Mama has over 200 sellers, with over 2,000 products, a growing social media audience and a database of 30,000 people.

Around 2 years after launch All By Mama has launched a crowdfunding campaign on Crowdcube to raise a minimum of £ 75,000 for 9.09 per cent equity stake in the company, so far the campaign has secure 35% of it's target. All By Mama says “invest in marketing to broaden our seller and customer base with a targeted campaign across social media and press”.

With Mumpreneurs currently contributing £7.9bn to the UK's economy every year, All By Mama says “We believe we are the first marketplace to champion parent-run businesses and are passionate about mums who run their own business flexibly around family life”.

All By Mama are planning on introducing two additional revenue streams; one is a bespoke product upload service for those parents who need support to upload products and the other is a startup service for parents who are at the idea generation stage and need support to get their business established and selling on All By Mama.

The company has raised #25,000, with 23 days left to go.

To find out more about All By Mama watch the video below then click here to support their campaign.




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