Carecite app launches to transform struggling self-funded care sector

Carecite app launches to transform struggling self-funded care sector


Carecite, the platform empowering families and carers to take control of their loved ones' care at a fair price, is pleased to announce its launch on all major app stores.

The UK care sector is at the centre of several ongoing controversies surrounding quality and cost of care. The sector is chronically understaffed and carers are devastatingly underpaid and overworked.

Carecite offers professional home care service costs for 20 - 25% less than traditional brick and mortar agencies, while paying Caregivers up to 50% more by removing the agency care fee and commission.

Born from the personal struggles to find consistent, quality care for loved ones by its founder, Jason Hendry, Carecite offers a tech-based alternative for carers and families to dealing with vulturous agencies that run on pen and paper and charge exorbitant fees for often low-quality care.

Carecite’s model ensures both carer and client benefit financially. The app is an automated and personalised on demand in-home care marketplace that connects self-funded and direct payment recipients and their families, friends or loved ones directly to qualified self-employed professional Caregivers.

For carers

It is estimated that 37% of the workforce leaves the care profession each year. Carecite’s model is founded on the principle that paying carers fairly will reduce this high level of churn and in turn increase the quality and consistency of care. Carers who use the platform can charge as they see fit based on their qualifications and experience. It is estimated an average carer can earn an average of 50% more via Carecite compared to working for an agency.

Industry body, Skills for Care, forecasts a massive 800,000 additional jobs will be required to fill future demand, bringing the total number of people in the care sector to 2.42m workers. By making the job a more lucrative, more professionalised career choice, Carecite hopes to bring more people into the workforce to fill these desperately needed roles.

Skills for Care estimate 70% of caregivers are on or below living wage of £8.91 per hour on zero hour contracts. Agencies fees comprise much of what families pay their staff without adding any value. This is simply not good enough – Carecite is founded on addressing this glaring issue.

For families

Carecite empowers patients and families to take control of their loved one’s care by offering a level of transparency and one-on-one interaction simply not available via most agencies. Carecite’s technology platform enables users to match with, video interview, review qualifications, background check, hire, pay and manage credentialed in-home later life, live-in or hourly professional care, through the web and mobile application.

Utilising Carecite’s tech functionality, loved ones can connect and coordinate with an insured, DBS checked and certified professional Caregiver on their terms – either on a fixed or flexible schedule. Picking a carer is as simple as entering preferences and selecting from a list of compatible, qualified carers in your local area, saving valuable time and money.

Carecite’s web and mobile app allows users to find care, schedule appointments, visibly track visits, create tasks, alerts and checklists, while the platform synchronises and automates approved payments in real- time, keeping the family or loved one visibly connected to the Caregiver at all times. This is a far cry from the pen and paper on which much of the industry somehow operates.

Carecite will initially be available in London before expanding to the rest of the UK in the coming months.

Jason Hendry, Co-founder of Carecite said:

“My frankly horrible experience of organising care for my step father spurred me to try and do something about this antiquated industry. It is criminal how little carers are paid and how large the fees agencies charge – for doing virtually nothing – can be.

“It is about time the sector was dragged kicking and screaming into the 21st century and with the launch of Carecite today, we march one step closer toward this ambition. We will make care fair for families and carers alike, whatever it takes”.

Jonathan Glover, Co-founder of Carecite, said:

“It is remarkable just how little we value carers in this country – it is no wonder so many don’t last more than a year in the job. With our technology, we remove the agencies whose price gouging has led to this crisis. With Carecite, carers are able to charge as they see fit and earn a proper living appropriate to the highly skilled work that they do.

“Families have simply never had the option to be empowered to take matters into their own hands. It is clear the current model is not working and obvious that families know best – certainly better than the agencies who have for too long taken advantage of this necessary service. Carecite is going to make care more affordable, more transparent and more accountable for families whose main concern is that their loved ones are being treated as they should – with care.

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