Gen Z's are less likely to act on the Ocean Plastic crisis over any other demographic

Gen Z's are less likely to act on the Ocean Plastic crisis over any other demographic

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A new survey undertaken by Ocean Bottle has revealed that Gen Z’s are less likely to act towards tackling ocean plastic than any other demographic. The survey highlighting the huge split between Gen Z and Boomers’ attitudes to ocean plastic.

Every day, approximately 22million kgs of plastic finds its way into our oceans (that’s one truckload every minute). Besides threatening marine life in many ways - from entangling fish and seabirds to wreaking havoc on their digestive tracts when they mistake it for food - plastic pollution has now been found to have another impact on coastal animals, with piles of plastic creating an insulation layer on beaches that raises temperatures to a point where it is unsustainable for coastal animals.

As plastic pollution continues to cause catastrophic effects to our oceans, it’s vital we make a significant shift in not only how organizations produce and manage plastic but also how consumers are to be more accountable for their own management of plastic waste.

While simple steps can massively help towards tackling plastic pollution, according to the recent survey by Ocean Bottle, only 38% of 18-24yrs have admitted they care about the ocean plastic crisis vs 54% of 55yrs+. Further results show 71% of Gen Z’s (18-24yrs) care less for the ocean in general compared to Boomers (55yrs+) with 47% stating they love the ocean. 

These recent findings confirm Gen Z’s are less likely to care about the ocean, less likely to love the ocean, and less likely to care about the plastic crisis.

In even more worrying findings, 39% of 18-24 year olds surveyed by Ocean Bottle said they ALWAYS litter in the ocean and on the beach.

Ocean Bottle is making a BIG impact with a SMALL bottle, dedicated to raising awareness of the ocean plastic crisis and how consumers can help. From its findings it is clear that in order to tackle the ocean plastic crisis in the long-term, it is vital to change the attitudes of Gen Z.

The award-winning reusable bottle prevents 1000 plastic bottles from entering our ocean with every sale and empowers individuals everywhere to be a part of the plastic pollution solution.

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