Here is how the future hustler would look if burnout continues

Here is how the future hustler would look if burnout continues

Entrepreneurs Here is how the future hustler would look if burnout continues.png

As a recent survey by Tide discovered that almost 40% of workers across the UK felt they had experienced burnout at work over the past 12 months. Tide has consulted healthcare professional Lee Chambers to visualise how burnout could impact and shape the future hustlers and entrepreneurs.

What is burnout?

A life of constant hustling can lead to burnout, a very real phenomenon that can manifest itself in a variety of mental and physical ways that can have a vastly negative impact on the lives of hustling entrepreneurs. In fact, in 2019 the World Health Organisation recognised burnout as a new syndrome and described it as ‘burnout is a syndrome conceptualized as resulting from chronic workplace stress that has not been successfully managed’.

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Psychologist Lee Chambers explains how physical and mental symptoms of burnout include:

  • Feeling tense and weighed down

  • Increased stress and fatigue

  • High blood pressure 

  • Risk of Diabetes and Heart Disease

  • Reduced workplace performance 

  • Lack of purpose

  • Loss of physical and mental wellbeing

  • Becoming detached from friends and family

  • Loss of our own esteem and identity

Who is at risk from burnout?

According to Lee Chambers, “burnout can manifest itself in different forms, and certain occupations can increase your potential chance of being burnt out. It's a very individual condition, with people presenting very differently.”

“Those at higher risk of burnout are in positions that involve seeing trauma, having to detach from emotive work, have long hours, and that are regularly judged and assessed. Those who work in hospitals and veterinary surgeries, therapists and teachers, social workers and law enforcement are all at a higher risk due to the nature of their jobs.”

“Entrepreneurs are increasingly at risk as overworking is glamorised, they are less likely to have colleagues to keep them accountable to balance or identify the signs, and hustling is advertised as a prerequisite of being a successful entrepreneur.

What to do about burnout, how can you recover and prevent it?

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Studying our own thoughts and behaviours: “Sometimes, people suffering from burnout are not aware that they are until they hit a significant crisis. Looking at our thoughts, feelings, and behaviours is the first step, as awareness allows us to break free from being on autopilot and just going through the motions in life.”

Reducing stress and care for ourselves more: “Finding ways to reduce your stress and reignite your passion are likely to involve self-care. What is important is that we don't try to rigidly shoehorn self-care into our lives, as this can potentially cause us to fire the perfectionism which might have been a factor in burnout, or leave us being critical if we fail to meet those standards, which is not beneficial as we certainly need to be kinder and have more self-compassion.”

Finding a balance between work and downtime: “By working on this balance, we get more clarity on who we want to become, and start to find the time and energy to be both productive at work and like the things we enjoy doing outside of our career.”

Deal with stress in life outside of work: “Sometimes we can burn out because we feel we have to be everything, or can't say no, and we end up doing lots of things that other people enjoy. It is vital that we find the things that make us smile, laugh and feel warm inside.”

Build your own support network: “Having the knowledge that there are people who can support you, resources you can access, and a whole network out there to use makes us feel more connected and that we no longer have to find all the solutions ourselves.”

Give yourself a break when you need it: “Taking an intentional break is vital to rest and recharge the body and mind. Taking yourself away, especially into a natural environment, induces feelings of grounding and serenity, and solitude can give us the headspace to start to process the bigger picture.”

Assess your workload: “We are only human and can only do so much. If your workload is overbearing, it's time to access it and see if there is the ability to get support, delegate, automate or reduce what you are doing on a daily basis.”

Liza Haskell, Chief Administrative Officer at Tide comments:

“Our survey shows how common burnout is in today’s society, particularly amongst entrepreneurs who are running their own businesses.

“Whilst hard work is required for a successful business, it should not come at the expense of your health. Long hours may seem productive in the moment, but over the long term the side effects of burnout, such as fatigue, reduced performance and lack of motivation, are likely to hinder your progress.

“If you are displaying the symptoms of burnout it is important to step back and reassess your current lifestyle. Try putting in place boundaries to create work-life balance, take regular breaks, look after your physical and mental wellbeing and seek additional support if required.”

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