KitMapper and Artquest join forces to celebrate their triumphant anniversary’s

KitMapper and Artquest join forces to celebrate their triumphant anniversary’s



This month Artquest and Kitmapper are celebrating their anniversary by hosting a joint party at Apiary Studios. Kitmapper will be ringing in their 1st year in business and a well-seasoned Artquest will be celebrating 15 years.

The collaboration is based on their shared aim to continue supporting a blossoming and sustainable creative community across the UK. They both share a passion for the arts, which made this alliance inevitable. They will be bringing together the best of London’s’ creative community as a part of Apiary Studios and its sumptuous Honey Moon bar. The event will exhibit visual arts created by attending artists, including live performances, special guests DJ’s and live visuals.

Kitmapper is a peer-to-peer photo, video and audio-visual equipment rental website, which provides kit to creatives at an affordable rate. It was created by artist and curator David Charlesworth. The entire concept is focused on making it cheaper for individuals and institutions, which helps to increase revenue streams for both independent creatives and big businesses alike.



Artquest supports visual artists throughout their career from the very beginning- this powerful initiative was launched in 2001. Their programme includes residencies, internships, legal advice, peer mentoring seed funding, commissions, discounts and mentoring, plus a comprehensive, free-to-access information website. Artquest is a programme of University of the Arts London, funded by arts Council England.

“It’s criminal to have expensive gear lying around nothing.” Said Tom Bryan, one of Kitmapper’s star users. “So when I discovered KitMapper, it made perfect sense – I had all the gear, but not enough friends to use it – KitMapper provides me with a resource to connect with other filmmakers.”

Since launch KitMapper has seen a massive increase in popularity in a very short space of time, and has become an integral resource within the professional creative community. Both parties using KitMapper are covered by a KitMapper guarantee, legal rental agreement, status tracking, ID verification courtesy of Experian and trusted ratings set by KitMapper’s own community.

To find out more about KitMapper head over to their website and why not get social on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook.



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