Mike Greene, former Secret Millionaire launches SME investment platform

Mike Greene, former Secret Millionaire launches SME investment platform


Serial entrepreneur and investor Mike Greene has recently launched a new online investment and growth accelerator platform, to provide more opportunities for investors to back early stage and growth companies across the UK. 

Mike Greene is a highly experienced Chairman, CEO, entrepreneur and investor. He has successfully built and sold businesses in the UK, USA, Australia and New Zealand. Greene was featured in episode 6 of season 9 of Channel 4’s The Secret Millionaire, which originally aired in November 2011.

The platform, Mike Greene Investments, will only feature a select number investments – hand-picked by Mike himself. It is agreed that no more than the top 7% of proposals will ever be presented to potential investors. 

Its primary focus will be on companies that have been approved for either the Enterprise (EIS) or Seed Enterprise Investment (SEIS) schemes introduced by the government to make SME investing more attractive. No capital gains tax payable on profits from share sales (after the first 3 years) and income tax relief on the initial capital investment are two of the key benefits.

A hub for booking and renting out event spaces, a ‘fat atomising’ grill, and a medical device company looking to disrupt the spinal surgery market are amongst the businesses currently seeking funding on the platform.



“I’ve had plenty of experience of both trying to secure finance and investing in start-ups and scale-ups, so I know how daunting it can be at first,” said Greene, who was an early stage investor in Shazam and Chargemaster, amongst many others.

Recruitment technology platform Jropp is the latest company in the Mike Greene stable to achieve its target funding.

Jropp launched in January with over 15,000 live jobs and more than 250 companies signed up. Founder Alexander Gray-Johnson commented: “When you have a product that you know will disrupt an industry, it can be lost in a storm of ideas and aspirations. While looking for funding, I knew we needed a clear strategy and business expertise that can give you that ‘hockey stick’ trajectory every founder hopes to emulate.”

Greene added. “Success can never be guaranteed, but given that we currently have one of the most generous incentive schemes in the world I would urge more investors to consider making small business investing part of their portfolio.”

The Mike Greene Investment and Growth Accelerator platform is delivered in associationwith Envestry which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.

Check out Mike Green Investments - you can also watch a short introductory video.

For more information on the UK Government’s EIS and SEIS schemes, or check out Jropp



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