Nissan announces plans to build a battery factory in the UK

Nissan announces plans to build a battery factory in the UK

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Nissan, the Japanese car company unveils plans to build a battery factory in the UK.

Its partnership with Envision AESC, will work to build an all electric model at the new site.

Launched with £1bn worth of investment, this move will increase jobs in the UK supply chain.

Of that £1bn, Nissan said it would invest up to £423m to produce a new-generation all-electric vehicle in the UK, building on the success of its existing electric car, the Leaf.

From 2030, sales of new cars and vans powered solely by petrol or diesel will be banned in the UK. However, some hybrids will still be allowed.

Responding to Nissan’s EV Gigafactory announcement, David Watson, CEO and Founder of Ohme said:

“Nissan’s commitment to build an EV gigafactory in the UK is great news for both the UK economy and our progress towards decarbonisation, but we must now turn our attention to smart charging technology. Without this, we risk undermining the progress we’re making by rolling out “dumb” infrastructure at scale, which will slow down the electric revolution. True smart charging helps protect batteries and the grid and collect invaluable behavioural data - upping production is only one half of the battle, widespread electrification in the UK will depend on our industry thinking holistically and getting smart.”

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