Staffing Crisis: Restaurateurs call for empathy and more government funding

Staffing Crisis: Restaurateurs call for empathy and more government funding

Staffing Crisis Restaurateurs call for empathy and more government funding.png

As the staffing crisis wages on, UK restaurateurs call for more government funding and patience from diners, says a new Global State of Hospitality Report from Lightspeed Commerce – the one-stop commerce platform for merchants around the world to simplify, scale, and create exceptional customer experiences.

VAT rates for hospitality and tourism businesses are set to return to the pre-pandemic rate of 20% in April, but trade bodies are appealing to the Treasury to freeze VAT at 12.5% to avoid further job losses*. According to Lightspeed’s 2021 report, 38% of UK merchants are already operating with fewer employees than needed, with 14% forced to reduce opening hours. 

Hiring and staff retention are the biggest challenges facing the UK hospitality industry (29%) and almost half of Lightspeed survey respondents (48%) report struggling to retain staff. In an attempt to attract and retain staff, 34% have boosted pay and benefits. 

Asked what would be the most helpful to their staff retention challenges, more government funding to raise wages and stabilise the business (47%) was one of the highest ranked, alongside technology that automates some staff functions, such as inventory and order-taking (48%) and more patience and empathy from diners (43%). 

However, when it comes to whether customers are being more understanding, the industry is split, with 48% reporting diners are more demanding while 46% feel customers are more understanding. And when it comes to the generosity of diners, 43% are tipping worse compared to 37% who say diners are tipping more. This is supported by consumer data, which revealed just 22% said they were tipping more to support their local restaurant. 

Rising food and supply costs was the second biggest challenge reported for the UK (22%), followed by accommodating higher demand from customers (20%) and inventory and supply chain (13%).

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