The 2020 Startup Growth Awards opens applications for Startups and Small Business Owners

The 2020 Startup Growth Awards opens applications for Startups and Small Business Owners

The 2020 Startup Growth Awards opens applications for Startups and Small Business Owners.png

The Startup Growth Awards were introduced in 2018 by Just Entrepreneurs, to acknowledge and celebrate the outstanding work startups and small business owners across the UK. Those who are innovating their sectors whilst facing the obstacles and competitions along the way.

Continuing our search, the Startup Growth Awards seeks out the disruptors and problem solvers across multiple industries. Searching for founders whose drive, experience, dedication and leadership skills propel their businesses forward. This award acknowledges and champions the hard workers, pioneers and risk-takers. Those who recognise that the journey isn’t perfect, but they wouldn’t want to do anything else. 

Taking things that step further, the Startup Growth Awards has, for the first time, selected a panel of esteemed Judges to not only help us champion our award winners but pass on sage advice. 

Meet our Startup Growth Awards, 2020 judges:

  • Joe Binder, founder of WOAW

  • Arit Eminue, founder of DiVA

  • Carl Reader, serial entrepreneur and Author

  • Rupa Shinh, investor and founder of Live in My World and Property Web Gurus

  • Raphael Sofoluke, founder of the UK Black Business Show

  • Julian Hall, Author, serial entrepreneur and founder of AskUltra

  • Nadine Sandcroft-Cooper, founder of Just Entrepreneur


Please find out more about our Judges here.

Julian Hall, founder of AskUltra comments, “I’m extremely proud and excited to be part of the Startup Growth Awards 2020. The world needs more risk-takers and I’m keen to be part of an awards that champions entrepreneurs moving their industry forward.”

Rupa Shinh, Investor and serial entrepreneur says, “I am absolutely delighted and excited to be a judge on the Start-up Growth Awards. Now more than ever is the time to honour, champion and celebrate start-ups that have demonstrated first-class leadership and agility in continuing to push forward with their mission with true grit, relentless perseverance, innovation and courage. All businesses entering the awards should be filled with pride and a sense of accomplishment.”

Carl Reader, author and serial entrepreneur adds, “Now, more than ever, the entrepreneurial community needs to come together to celebrate the good and the great of startups and small businesses. It has been a crazy year so far, and whilst all have struggled in some ways, there have been incredible stories of businesses starting, pivoting and flourishing against all the odds. I simply can't wait to see the wonderful entries this year.”

Nadine Sandcroft, the founder of Just Entrepreneurs, shares her thoughts on the awards this year: “I could not be prouder and more inspired by the small business owners and startups who have had to pivot and boost their businesses this year to adapt to the unprecedented reality we are up against. Not to mention those who have launched businesses for the first time this year as a result of Covid-19. This year is more significant than any other, to honour the risk-takers and those who are still building incredible businesses across the UK.”

To learn more about the Startup Growth Award and how you can get involved, please see here for further information and a list of categories.

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