The Bloom Co: Brand development program launches to support early-stage startups run by Female Entrepreneurs

The Bloom Co: Brand development program launches to support early-stage startups run by Female Entrepreneurs

The Bloom Co_ Brand development program launches to support early-stage startups run by Female Entrepreneurs.png

The Bloom Co is a movement for female entrepreneurs who are pursuing purpose driven businesses, offering affordable group coaching programs in brand development for early stage start-ups. 

The Bloom Co is officially launching July 2020 with a rebranded look and a their first group coaching program. The Brand Alignment Group Coaching Program will provide short term, intense, affordable group coaching for women who are transitioning to a new phase of their business and their life. These women have committed to taking a leap either in a new direction for their existing business or into entrepreneurship for the very first-time. By aligning their passion, purpose and brand message, these women will be able to launch their brand identity with greater confidence and clarity. 

The Program will also help them to speed up the business development process, increase their branding knowledge and understanding whilst providing access to a community of peers. The Bloom Co has a mission to support women to build their business in order to give back to the community around them. According to recent data the contribution of entrepreneurs and small businesses provides three fifths of employment in the UK. 

Founder and Lead Coach at The Bloom Co – Becky Shand launched this movement out of a frustration at the lack of support and community available for females wanting to start a new business venture. Despite the barriers to entrepreneurship, she has been running a successful one to one coaching business for 2 years now. Her clients have ranged from music artists, to authors, coaches, mentors and other entrepreneurs. Fewer UK women choose to become entrepreneurs than in best practice peer countries: Only ~6% of UK women run their own businesses, compared to ~15% of women in Canada, almost ~11% of women in the US, and over ~9% of women in Australia and the Netherlands.

Becky is excited for this new phase of serving the community she feels called to help on a larger scale. Moving from working one-to-one to now running group coaching programs will be a challenging but rewarding opportunity. There are plans to introduce The Business in Bloom Group Coaching Program as a follow up to the Brand Alignment Group Coaching Program. This is designed to take entrepreneurs on a journey of continued personal and professional development, with the input of guest coaches sharing their expertise each month. 

It is estimated that female entrepreneurs could contribute £250 billion to the economy if they had opportunities to start and scale their businesses at the same rate as men2. Becky’s heart is to see more women take the dive to start their own businesses, starting with creating an authentic and powerful brand that aligns their passion, purpose and message to the world. 

Brand Alignment Program

What’s included: Duration is 4 months, covering the foundational areas of building an authentic brand, creating a strong foundation to then build a business upon. 

• 1 x group coaching call each month 

• 1 x group accountability call each month - where the cohort can catch up on their progress, ask questions – get advice from each other and from lead coach Becky Shand 

• A monthly workbook to complete with guides and templates to assist in the brand alignment process 

• Access to a private online networking group via Band or an alternative app 

• Guest coaches will also be invited during the program to share their expertise on particular branding/ business launching areas. 

Areas covered:

Month 1: Self Discovery – Your Brand Pillars Month 2: Your Audience – Who you serve Month 3: Your Brand Message – tagline, bio, story etc Month 4: Visual Brand Identity – Photoshoot development, assistance with brand visual guidelines 

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