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The Gator watch, a wearable mobile device for children, launches a crowdfunding campaign on crowdcube




Fast growing tech Start-up, Techsixtyfour announced today that it is raising funds via equity crowdfunding to support ongoing growth of its revolutionary wearable technology. The company is aiming to raise £200k on investment platform CrowdCube.com to support wider marketing initiatives, progress planned expansion into Europe and develop the current team.

Since its launch the Gator watch has not only secured shelf space in one of the country’s most prestigious department stores, John Lewis, it has also experienced fantastic sales, with numbers increasing daily. The brands early success is not surprising when you consider the products relevance in today’s technologically orientated society.

With children as young as seven using smartphones, managing screen time and controlling what children are seeing online is one of the biggest challenges for parents today. Now, thanks to the Gator, a new smart watch for children with innovative safeguarding capabilities, parents remain in control, thus ensuring peace of mind.

The Gator watch works as a standalone device to make and receive calls to and from 13 “safe” numbers that have been chosen by parents. Using the partner app, which runs on iOS and Android, parents can see all tracking information, which can also be streamlined to more than one phone, as well as controlling the volume of the phone. It also has a Safezone alarm and comes with an SOS button, which when hit instantly connects the wearer to the people most important to them.


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The Gator watch has been designed to connect to the three strongest mobile networks, minimising coverage drop and is suitable for worldwide use.

With the wearables market estimated to be worth $30bn this is an exciting time for Techsixtyfour and, with its founder being recognised as one of 50 most inspiring women in tech in Europe this brand is in safe hands. Speaking about the crowdfunding campaign Colleen Wong, ex investment banker and founder of Techsixtyfour said:

“Up until now I have been self-funded, but thanks to consistently positive reviews and retailers such as John Lewis on board sales are increasing and the brand is ready for expansion. I am proud to have got this far on my own, but am now confident that raising vital funds will support the plans I have for the future of Techsixtyfour.”

Crowdcube lets businesses pitch to the everyday investors and big VC firms, which make up its 410,000 members. To find out more about this amazing campaign, click here.



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