The social entrepreneur on a mission to light up Africa

The social entrepreneur on a mission to light up Africa




  • Young female entrepreneur launches new buy-to-give energy company to help power Africa. 
  • Two thirds of people in Africa are currently living without electricity. 
  • Retail Activism: For every 2,000 UK customers who switch to Brighter World – a micro-grid will be installed in Africa. 

When we think about the world and our families, we need to remember that life does not stop with just us. There is an entire globe of people who are in need, and if we can help, then we should. Meet Cheryl, the young female entrepreneur is tackling the global energy crisis – by creating an ethical buy-to-give energy company here in the UK that will power some of the remotest communities in Africa. 

Before taking on such a powerful cause, Cheryl was a National Business Editor. She was later inspired by an image of the earth at night, showing Africa still in darkness while other countries shine bright with light, along with a trip to Kenya as part of her MBA course.  After securing investment she founded Brighter World Energy, which installs a solar powered microgrid in an African village for every 2,000 who make the switch from their existing energy supplier.

Manchester-based Cheryl Latham is a down-to-earth social entrepreneur with grit and determination. To help fund her dream she gained £500K funding from several investors including Sir Terry Leahy, ex CEO of Tesco, all whilst finalising her MBA.  



Cheryl explains that, "Energy is life changing and my trip to Kenya was a stark reminder of this – meeting children who were desperate to learn and fisherman who wanted to grow their businesses but needed light and refrigeration. Brighter World’s ambitious aim is to put an end to the use of toxic kerosene and to meet their energy needs with affordable, reliable and clean energy. Everyone should have the same right to access energy, no matter where they are born." 

Cheryl stands out in the UK energy industry as a young millennial driven by a desire to create a good business, that also does good by creating an ethical buy-to-give energy company here in the UK that will power some of the remotest communities in Africa. 

Brighter World has been called the TOMS of energy - a community here in the UK switches on a community in Africa, that's their one for one. The first solar grid is being installed this Spring in a remote village in Kenya. Over 90% of Brighter World’s customers switched from expensive Big Six standard variable tariff.  Brighter World is the first energy company to start unsticking this sticky, overcharged and underserved part of the market, where 60% of energy customers languish

Founder Cheryl Latham says, “Brighter World is retail activism at its best – consumers don’t even have to leave the comfort of their sofas to make a difference to someone else’s life.  We’re here for those conscious consumers who want a good deal, but also want to use the power of their purchase to do some fundamental good in the world.

You can support Brighter World’s mission by switching at  Brighter World Energy or keep in touch on Twitter or Facebook.


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