Want to start a podcast? Consider these tips

Want to start a podcast? Consider these tips


If you're considering becoming a podcaster but don't know where to start, you're in the right place. In this article, you'll learn 8 tips on how to make your podcast dream a reality.

Podcasts have become increasingly popular lately, and estimations show that in 2022, the number of podcast listeners worldwide will rise to 420 million monthly. Perhaps you've been into podcasting for a while, and at some point, you considered what it would take to take this path yourself. From the outside, it may look exciting or stressful – or both. However, you can only get an accurate idea about what it implies only by doing it.

Podcasting is a form of creative self-expression that can bring fulfilment once you build deep connections with your audience. As a podcaster, you'll broadcast your message to millions of people that feel inspired by your words. So, if you want to try podcasting, we're here to walk you through the process.

Find your why

Before you start planning your podcast, you should first find your why. What motivates you to create a podcast? There is no right reason to do it, as everyone has a different goal. Perhaps you want to explore your passion and have fun while expressing yourself creatively. Or maybe you want to share your expertise for educational purposes. It's crucial to figure out your reason, as it will help you stay consistent and decide what kind of content to create.

If you struggle to find your reason, consider researching other podcasts. Listen to what other people talk about and determine what resonates with you and what doesn't. It may also help to consider the kind of audience you want to attract and what you can share with them.

Pick a topic

You need to decide on a podcast topic as this will define the show's structure, flow and tone. There are no right or wrong choices regarding the topics you can talk about, but you need to consider some critical things. For instance, you want to ensure your topic can be monetized. You also need to determine whether you care enough about the topic and will be able to talk about it for hours.

It's helpful to consider your interests, but ultimately, your topic should align with your motive for starting a podcast. Ideally, you should go for a niche topic, as this will make it easier to plan the surrounding content.

Name your podcast

You have endless options when naming your podcast. As a general rule, it should tell the audience who you are and what your topics are about. Consider branding, SEO, and your audience when deciding on a name.

You want to go for something that people can easily remember and that it's searchable in relation to your topic. Don't choose a podcast name that someone already uses; instead, choose something unique that people can associate only with you.

Establish the details

Once you've chosen a name, it's time to plan the details of your podcast. Firstly, you should decide what format you want, whether it is a solo show, a co-hosted show or an interview show. Next, you must choose your podcast's length according to your audience’s needs and how much you want to say about the topic.

Usually, podcasts are between 20 and 45 minutes, but some are four hours long. Figure out what works best for you, and don't hesitate to vary the length whenever necessary. You also want to consider how often you'll release the podcast's episodes, which will be mainly influenced by your content.

Get the adequate equipment

You may think you need fancy equipment to record your podcast, but that's not true. As long as you have a laptop, a microphone, and audio recording and editing software, you can get to work. Since sound is the most important element in podcasting, you should invest in a high-quality microphone that ensures clarity. After all, you want to produce audio worthy of listeners' attention. Getting started with audio can be pretty frustrating, especially when your audio sources are noisy or low resolution. So, it only makes sense to choose audio equipment that will make your job easier.

You also need software for the recording and editing part, and if you own an iPad or a MacBook, this won't be an issue, as they come equipped with easy-to-use editing applications. If not, there are different tools out there that can help you get things right.

Hit the record button

If you went through all the steps, congratulations! You're now ready to tell your story. While some podcasters speak freely, others use scripts or notes. If you're a single host, a script can help you remember the points of your story effortlessly. Focus on the story you want to tell, and don't think about whether it will sound perfect. You'll also go through editing and audio-post production before uploading the episode, but for now, your job is to make the story as appealing as possible for your listeners.

Don't forget about introducing yourself to your audience and letting them know what they can expect from the podcast. And, of course, tell people where they can contact you and ask them to review your podcast, as this will help you gain more visibility.

Edit and export the episode

So, you've recorded your podcast episode and are now ready to share it with the world. Well, not yet – you should first edit it. Editing can be complicated, but you can learn how to do it. It's not rocket science, and many YouTube tutorials will teach you the steps. You should also consider embellishing the episode with some elements before exporting it. For instance, you can add a voice over. Intros and outros are great ways to add personality to your podcast.

You should also add music in your podcast's intro and outro, but be careful not to use copyright-protected songs. You can get free-to-use music or ask a local musician to compose something for your show. Don't forget about your podcast cover art, as this will help you create a visual brand . Make sure to keep it uncomplicated and clean, as the image will appear in a small format. Once you add these elements to the podcast, you're ready to export it to your website and different distribution platforms.

Launch your podcast

Your marketing strategy will play a significant role in your podcast's success. You should tell people in advance that you'll launch your podcast as a way to generate buzz and build your audience.

You can make the most of your podcast by repurposing the content on your social media channels or blog. Also, pay attention to your listeners' feedback, as this will help you learn about their needs and figure out what improvements you can make.

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