Fiverr partners with viral YouTube poet to release new rousing Coronavirus poem urging people to support UK small businesses

Fiverr partners with viral YouTube poet to release new rousing Coronavirus poem urging people to support UK small businesses

Fiverr partners with viral YouTube poet to release new rousing Coronavirus poem urging people to support UK small businesses.png

Global freelance platform Fiverr (NYSE) has partnered with Youtube star Tomos Roberts, known as ‘TomFoolery’ on a rousing new Coronavirus poem video. The unique speech urges people to support UK small businesses, who are at the heart of every community in the wake of the Coronavirus.  

The video itself has been produced and animated by hard working freelancers on Fiverr’s global freelance platform - all being done remotely and taking place online. Animator Lynn Polyak, a Fiverr seller who produced this video says it ‘is a huge honour’ to be able to showcase their work for such a worthy message.

The speech comes on the back of research undertaken by Fiverr which showed that the Coronavirus crisis has already cost UK SMEs an average £277,893 each and 64% expect their revenues to decrease by half in the coming months. Many are looking ahead and are more positive, hoping to fight through the economic downturn by investing in digital and traditional marketing in response to the crisis. 

Some of the lyrics to the poem include:   

Here’s to the small business owners, the working from homers. The startups, the micros, the extra mile goers! Hard grafters with a personal touch, the full package! When life presents hurdles, they will take up that challenge.”

And the poem ends urging people to take action:

“But amidst this uncertainty, we must make a stand. Please support local business, it’s time to offer that hand. The world's doors are re-opening, so be bold, step on in. Because the day that you do that, the bounce back begins.” 

Tomos Roberts spoke of the video saying: “I was thrilled to be asked to work with Fiverr on this poem as it is a message that I can gladly get behind. Having been a freelancer myself for so many years I know what it's like living with that uncertainty. That said, I am really pleased Fiverr are doing this, and I hope the poem can be of help to the many wonderful freelancers in this world and restore consumer confidence.”

Liron Smadja, Head of Global Expansion Marketing at Fiverr said: ‘As a freelancer platform Fiverr helps and supports small business owners to continue to remain productive given the current challenges. But we felt we needed to do more. We saw Tom’s first video and were keen to work with him on something similar that really hammered home the importance of supporting small businesses at this time, as the ‘bounce back’ we’re all hoping for really won’t be possible without it’.

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