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Kids are learning how to become entrepreneurs across the UK

Author of Entrepreneur to Ultrapreneur Julian hall has taken on an incredible venture; to teach children how to become entrepreneurs. Starting and maintaining a business can be daunting, but Julian; a successful entrepreneur believes that children should be equipped with entrepreneurial skills from a young age. That’s why he created UltraKids, a company committed to delivering quality, fun, entrepreneur programmes to young people.

“I started my first business in my late teens, and if I had been taught about it earlier, it would have made things a lot easier,” says Julian who has a number of achievements, including creating the first black owned digital agency in Europe.

UltraKids have already ran programmes in in the UK, both through schools and in one to one programmes, and the results have been amazing. A number of children developed tangible business ideas, and they developed certain skills including problem solving, numeracy and literacy skills, and their confidence grew immensely.  Julian, who runs the business alongside his wife Che is clearly passionate about education, and the team are totally committed to the young people.


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To date, UltraKids have helped over 50 children develop business ideas nationwide, making them the largest provider of entrepreneurial skills to children in Europe, but the team are not content to stop there.  It is their desire to see the programme as part of the national curriculum, and with the glowing testimonials coming from both the young people and the parents, this is becoming more and more a reality.

When we give our children the right tools, it is easier for them to choose a life that is rewarding and successful. The skills learnt are transferable and can be used while running a business or while working a 9 – 5. These are lifelong skills that should be core of every child’s learning process.

Ultrakids have a number of programmes throughout the year, so head over to find out more.




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