Joseph was born in the U.K before relocating with his family to Mallorca, Spain at the age of 4. Growing up Joseph attended an international school, where he soon became bi lingual. At the age of 13 he returned to the U.K to attended boarding school, this is where Joseph & Oliver met.
Having completed his GCSE’s and A-Levels at Aldenham School, he decided to follow his passion for wildlife and travel Africa, where he later trained and worked as a Safari ranger and conservationist. Following an incredible year abroad Joseph studied Animal Behaviour at Manchester Metropolitan University. In Josephs first year and Olivers second year, having truly experienced student living, the duo set out to tackle the student financial crisis and UniDosh was born.
Oliver grew up in North London as the youngest of 3 children. He went to Aldenham School where he met Joseph. Oliver has a strong passion for Architecture and design so went onto to study Architecture at University in Nottingham and graduated in the Summer of 2017.
At 19 years old, and during his second year at University, Oliver and Joseph formed UniDosh. Originally launched as a marketplace for students to earn money from their skills and services.
Prior to UniDosh, Oliver’s business experience didn’t go further than the field of Architecture. Having now run a start-up for 3 years, he believes he has learnt the essential skills required to launch and grow a business. From product design, marketing & finance, to managing a development team Oliver has developed fundamental business skills.
Students all over the world are constantly seeking new ways to earn and save money effectively around their studies. UniDosh allows students to locate quick and reliable part time work though accepting tasks set by local members of the community. Whether that be a one off such as building an IKEA flatpack to a more extensive task such as social media management, UniDosh has the answer! The app was originally launched as a student only platform, however due to the increased demand for work the duo decided to make some changes. This January UniDosh will be expanding into the public, as such increasing the workload the app can provide to their 5,000 strong student workforce, whilst as a result providing more affordable services to members of the public and local businesses. Having begun to mobilise the worlds largest resource of raw untapped talent (Students) UniDosh intends to become the go to place to tackle your to do list no matter the task.