Debunking the Myths Around Cloud Tech

Guest article by Alex Tebbs, founder of VIA
Cloud tech has been facilitating flexibility in businesses for some time now. Despite this, misconceptions about cloud technology still exist. We’re constantly hearing questions and confusions surrounding this technology, so let’s dive in and highlight some of the most common myths.
Myth #1: cloud tech is expensive
One of the most popular file storage and synchronization services, Google Drive is now being adopted by many SMEs as flexible, safe and free software.
In fact Google Drive offers users 15 gigabytes of free storage. Using Google Docs instead of traditional alternatives such as word processing software is not only cheaper, it makes workflows easier to adapt to a flexible environment as all documents are collaborative.
Myth #2: cloud tech will divide business goals
It’s easy to understand why cloud tech could come across as divisive if a business already has multiple systems in place. Additionally, there are so many cloud tech services and providers available that choosing multiple providers has the potential to confuse things even more.
This is why Unified Communications (UC) platforms are becoming increasingly popular with forward-thinking businesses, allowing colleagues to stay in touch via multiple channels of their choosing and to collaborate on projects even when they're not in the same office. UC systems mean that staff have one system which is easy to use for phone calls, instant messaging, conferencing and video calls.
Myth #3: cloud tech will give me less control
Cloud tech gives businesses more control than they have ever had before. This control is facilitated by the ability to work anywhere. In fact, the ability to make video meetings and VOIP calls across the planet is now the most accessible it has ever been. This is due to the increase in speed and availability of broadband globally, as well as the rise in inexpensive computers and processors that can handle multiple applications and data exchanges.
Myth #4: cloud tech is not reliable
Video calling today is just as good as being in the same room as someone. This bridges geographical challenges that international businesses have often faced in the past. Not only does this help with internal communications and flexible working, but it expands the capacity for global business.
Myth #5: cloud tech is only good for one thing
Cloud tech is not only benefiting business goals and efficiencies, but also facilitating HR and people management. The benefits of one system for phone calls, instant messaging, conferencing and video calls goes beyond just employee productivity. Cloud-based communications systems can also manage the data which looks at how efficiently people are working.
Additionally, HR processes that were previously lengthy, such as filing expenses are now reaching excellent efficiency levels via cloud-based systems. Businesses in the past may have invested in expensive and maintenance heavy software and hardware to facilitate these processes. Cloud-based accountancy technology products reduce the need for this.
Myth #6: cloud tech wastes time
Cloud-based communications platforms help to increase efficiency in an organisation, as staff can instantly see the availability of everyone else, therefore, stopping wasted phone calls trying to find people people who are not available. Additionally, they give an overview on how active people are being with their computers, so members of staff can view productivity, workflow and who is available.
Myth #7: cloud tech is not secure
2018 also sees the rise in mandatory security considerations, with GDPR as the biggest consideration. Companies who have not taken precautionary security measures yet will have to with the new GDPR legislation. In 2018, cloud security is the best it’s ever been, with businesses having limitless options for keeping their data safe to comply with legislation.
As we can see, cloud technology has not only allowed document and file sharing in the simplest and most efficient form, but the development of cloud-based communication platforms have also emerged, transforming the way staff can work entirely.
Now in 2018, businesses will witness an entire shift of the working style. Flexible cloud-based working will evolve from being an optional practice which some businesses allow, to something that is a normal working practice fully facilitated by this technology.